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Chrono Identity and Wells without Alacrity

Better than Jared.4062

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Removing alacrity from the chronomancers wells has totally stripped the identity and play style of the class. Also on top of it making it so alacrity is only applied by phantasms not clones also guts the class ability to play a more support based chrono. Please for the sake of the profession make it possible to have alacrity applied through wells again or provide an option so that it can be applied through the wells or the "clones" (not phantasms) but not both at the same time for balance.  Yet again these changes murdered the concept of chrono and their use of wells, it feels terrible to play and now just feel like they are the third rate pick for any class that can apply alacrity. 

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The wells are literally clocks kitten. Why not make them pulse alacrity? It sucks that the class dedicated to time can’t provide alacrity on demand.  Although I do wish wells didn’t compete with other utility skills like feedback and null field for support mesmer.

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I like how easy it is to maintain quickness and Alacrity with the changes but wells are kind of useless at this point. No matter got many additional effects you add after 3 seconds they are still rather weak as it is close to impossible to hit the final pulse... but the main reason of the change was to call bunker yet again which is sad... 

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1 minute ago, Gesbo.6420 said:

I like how easy it is to maintain quickness and Alacrity with the changes but wells are kind of useless at this point. No matter got many additional effects you add after 3 seconds they are still rather weak as it is close to impossible to hit the final pulse... but the main reason of the change was to call bunker yet again which is sad... 

It's not just the wells, every skill that was originally designed as a boon support skill is not useless SoI, Wells, TW

To some degree it's understandable, only chrono was designed as a Alac/Quickness support at that time, so most of it's skills needed to provide those boons, nowdays the boons get shared mostly from traits or just one skill

Back then chrono used to have a whole rotation just for a DPS phase, and one for a boon sharing phase

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9 minutes ago, Nepster.4275 said:

It's not just the wells, every skill that was originally designed as a boon support skill is not useless SoI, Wells, TW

To some degree it's understandable, only chrono was designed as a Alac/Quickness support at that time, so most of it's skills needed to provide those boons, nowdays the boons get shared mostly from traits or just one skill

Back then chrono used to have a whole rotation just for a DPS phase, and one for a boon sharing phase

And that made the game interesting... gave variety and skill expression. Alacrity and Quickness are powerful boons but the amount of taking away from skills that the mesmer has received in the past years without any tradeoffs really makes me wonder where the budget for skills are going...

Feels like all specs are slowly taking the lazy approach that virtuoso got (top line = block line, mid line = power line, bottom line=condition line, and there is build craft involved into the spec as everything else is useless) 

I'm sure designing anything for the game is hard but there are so many traits that are useless and completely overshadowed its competing choices it's just annoying... malicious sorcery, temporal enchanter, desperate decoy and the top inspiration grandmaster that I can't remember the name of as literally noone takes for obvious reasons to name a few... 

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