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Why the seemingly arbitrary nerf to Essence of Gold acquisition?

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Its not the biggest deal in the world as its ultimately not all that impactful a stat, but the old daily log in rewards resulted in you getting a 2% increase every month, the new Wizards Vault seemingly results in you only getting 2% every 3 months instead? (assuming it only resets quarterly as has been said, and you only be able to purchase "Lesser Essence of Gold" in the store which give only 1% each).

It seems like such an unnecessary and in my opinion kinda unfair change, considering this is a scarce item that can only be acquired via log in rewards (and a single one from an achievement). Long time active players have no doubt been able to stack that up over years and it will now be much slower and harder for new players to do the same. This kinda bothers me precisely because its not that impactful a stat, so why change the rate at which it is earnt? Why not make it so you could purchase 3 regular essences of gold during a single reset resulting in the same potential rate of 2% a month/6% every three months?

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