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thief is the only class a worse player can consistently beat me on


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On 8/30/2023 at 7:32 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

mirror for mirror on every class they will lose every duel, but this is a pretty easy way to tell its too strong.

they're hitting like trucks, endless stealth, end less superspeed, jumping all over the map, ohfk button evade/reflect elite/antitoxin working with shadow arts condi removal, so you cant even load em up with condis before they run and reset.

basically shids busted and needs to be toned down. it's absolutely NOT fun dueling thieves and rangers are catching up with smoke pet. 

Before you make a balance related post consider a few things:

- The game isnt balanced around duels. You have several roles that all do different things well, duellist being 1 of them.  Duelling is basicly only good to practice your reaction time / gameplay vs some classes. To illustrate that even further you used an example of a thief that used antitoxin rune vs you (something no thief on the ladder uses). So he probably only used that to counter you in a duel.  What tells me he didnt alter his build completely just to counter you in a duel? 

- Sometimes you losing or winning is a you issue and not perse game related issue.  Versus thieves for example kiting on objects to prefent openers works really well.  In other words did you look at what you did wrong before you started thinking that its a game related issue? 

- Maybe next time show us some gameplay footage. 

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