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Thanks for changing daily rewards to remove botters and afk login farmers, now do something with ranked rewards


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Nah, just need to tie more rewards to actually doing stuff--like taking nodes, holding nodes, kills, etc. 

Not necessarily top stats (as those can be flaky), but if you get rewards via objectives, it'll eliminate the afk.  As under this system you'd have to do at least one useful thing to get rewards, otherwise nothing.  

Along those lines, they could institute like in WvW where you get a participation score in order to receive pips.  This would be active per match basis--if you stand around and do nothing, you get nothing.

Either way, if you remove rewards from losers then you kill the mode, that's pretty clear.  

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There's a whole thread of people telegraphing that they'll afk the moment they aren't enjoying the match. I don't think saddling players like that with motivation to throw faster so they can get into a match where they are rewarded (in conjunction with their teams being largely random) can do anything good for the mode. 

@Gotejjeken.1267 is correct here.  Reward people for doing things in ranked that are in most cases positive match contributions.

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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

There's a whole thread of people telegraphing that they'll afk the moment they aren't enjoying the match. I don't think saddling players like that with motivation to throw faster so they can get into a match where they are rewarded (in conjunction with their teams being largely random) can do anything good for the mode. 

@Gotejjeken.1267 is correct here.  Reward people for doing things in ranked that are in most cases positive match contributions.

Just remove gold rewards or anything that can be converted to gold. The advocating in support of rewarding the loser is always an avocation of afk farmers, which is terrible for the game mode. Make winning and contributions more rewarding, but leaving open as it is now, has already shown to be more damaging then the hypotheticals that have been used to defend this idea.

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The only thing that will profit this game mode will be making it more interesting and competitive to credit card commandos. No reason to waste time pumping rewards into a system that attracts botters and afkers. There is a win rate threshold that no amount of "grinding" will ever be overcome, player to player. This means, for all, there is a certain win rate that is prestigious, and can only be achieved by being good, or match manipulation (cheating). Obviously there are levels, and even changing levels, getting better, is a feat that should be recognized. In a healthy population, people never ascended past a certain rating naturally. If this was still the case, rating and win rate were not grindable, as was supposed. 


The only Reward for losers should be hope....hope they get better.

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17 minutes ago, bruakumfd.4817 said:

So, thank them for saying "4 take it or leave it" and potentially punishing people who have legitimate reasons for not playing for long? Yeah, I'm not convinced they should pay attention to this thread?

ignoring threads like this is one of the main reasons the game is like it is. pandering to transient disloyal non paying casuals is definitely NOT a winning strategy in digital entertainment

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i would go a step further, remove all rewards from pvp that are not immediately account bound. raw gold has to go, anything that can be converted into gold has to go. give titles and progression towards legendary/asc and that's it. also remove pvp tokens from pve legendaries and such.

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