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Warrior - Berserker in Open World


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I've been playing Warrior Power Berserker a lot over the past 2 years - in Open World specifically - and while I appreciated a huge damage increase while in Berserk mode, I found my experience while out of Berserk mode to be severely lacking - which is very expected, since my whole traitline does almost 0 to my out of Berserk mode damage.
I understand the idea behind this decision - Berserk offers an incredible damage boost and it is completely fine as it is in Instanced PvE modes (I can't speak for PvP and WvWvW modes, since I've been isolating myself from them since game release), but in the Open World it has one fatal flaw, that puts this elite specialization way below not only Spellbreaker and Bladesworn, but even below the Core Warrior build with Arms traitline - the amount of time spent in Berserk mode and actively fighting is relatively short and only really fully utilized during prolonged fights with more powerful enemies ( Some Veterans and Elites, Champions, Legendaries and meta bosses), leaving a majority of time is spent outside of Berserk mode with subpar damage output.

I'd like to propose 3 different possible solutions for this problem, since I really want to enjoy Berserker and feel that it can become very decent and enjoyable in OW:


1. Buff non-Berserk damage output in Berserker power traitline (1-1-1) to make it on par with taking Arms traitline (this one has 20% attack speed increase for dual wielding the same weapons and multiple stacks of vulnerability on Burst skills).

2. Keep Adrenaline out of combat instead of decaying. This will make it possible to enter combat with regular enemies in Berserk mode without the need to spend the big CC when a player might actually need it.

3. Add an ability to enter a "Lesser Berserk mode" - doesn't require any Adrenaline to activate, but has twice as short duration and recharge time and cannot be extended with Rage skills.


I'd be very interested in other suggestions on how to improve Berserker gameplay experience in Open World. I find options 2 and 3 more appealing than 1, since I really like Berserk mode visuals and would prefer to fight in it more than just straight number buffs, but I'll accept anything at this point.



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18 hours ago, CombineFiftyFour.1632 said:


I've been playing Warrior Power Berserker a lot over the past 2 years - in Open World specifically - and while I appreciated a huge damage increase while in Berserk mode, I found my experience while out of Berserk mode to be severely lacking - which is very expected, since my whole traitline does almost 0 to my out of Berserk mode damage.
I understand the idea behind this decision - Berserk offers an incredible damage boost and it is completely fine as it is in Instanced PvE modes (I can't speak for PvP and WvWvW modes, since I've been isolating myself from them since game release), but in the Open World it has one fatal flaw, that puts this elite specialization way below not only Spellbreaker and Bladesworn, but even below the Core Warrior build with Arms traitline - the amount of time spent in Berserk mode and actively fighting is relatively short and only really fully utilized during prolonged fights with more powerful enemies ( Some Veterans and Elites, Champions, Legendaries and meta bosses), leaving a majority of time is spent outside of Berserk mode with subpar damage output.

I'd like to propose 3 different possible solutions for this problem, since I really want to enjoy Berserker and feel that it can become very decent and enjoyable in OW:


1. Buff non-Berserk damage output in Berserker power traitline (1-1-1) to make it on par with taking Arms traitline (this one has 20% attack speed increase for dual wielding the same weapons and multiple stacks of vulnerability on Burst skills).

2. Keep Adrenaline out of combat instead of decaying. This will make it possible to enter combat with regular enemies in Berserk mode without the need to spend the big CC when a player might actually need it.

3. Add an ability to enter a "Lesser Berserk mode" - doesn't require any Adrenaline to activate, but has twice as short duration and recharge time and cannot be extended with Rage skills.


I'd be very interested in other suggestions on how to improve Berserker gameplay experience in Open World. I find options 2 and 3 more appealing than 1, since I really like Berserk mode visuals and would prefer to fight in it more than just straight number buffs, but I'll accept anything at this point.



Judging by your main concern, the short fight time, the only thing you really need is a manual exit.

So that way you can exit berserk after a fight (refuel a bit adrenalin depending on the time spent in berserk) and have it back (maybe) on the next fight.

Add the adrenalin decay idea and you would be good. Dont expect that to happen though, since a lot of people suggested this for a while now.

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4 hours ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

Judging by your main concern, the short fight time, the only thing you really need is a manual exit.

So that way you can exit berserk after a fight (refuel a bit adrenalin depending on the time spent in berserk) and have it back (maybe) on the next fight.

Add the adrenalin decay idea and you would be good. Dont expect that to happen though, since a lot of people suggested this for a while now.

Unfortunately, I don't think that adding manual exit will help much on its own - since even if you can exit Berserk mode early, you will still have to generate 30 Adrenaline points to enter it and even if it would decay slower (instead of complete removal of decay mechanic) it will be empty by the time I meet my next enemy in most gameplay scenarios. The only thing it will solve is help with Berserk mode being on CD, but not the fact that it requires 30 Adrenaline to enter - and even with axes and Axe mastery trait (and 100% Crit chance) it is not fast enough - because enemies are very close to being dead by that time (but not dead - with Arms traitline they usually are). It would work if Adrenaline would not decay at all though.

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4 hours ago, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

Do note though that taking Eternal Champion is going to reduce your DPS by quite a bit, though I guess in OW it doesn't matter as much. Still it's important to keep it in mind if you do need damage.

In my opinion, Bloody Roar is extremely important in OW, so I wouldn't pick Eternal Champion at all, since it would take most of the damage increase Berserk mode provides away.

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