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2nd PVE Legendary Ring?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/2/2023 at 1:58 AM, Solaxo.7409 said:

"Other than the visual effect I couldn't tell you what the point is of having even one legendary ring, you can literally get free ascended rings with every stat"

For me each legendary piece I have has been a journey. It has given me such joy over 11 years chasing these. It took me at least half a year each chasing aurora and vision at a casual pace. I've got almost 700 LI from raids and enjoyed all the statics and friends I made along the way since they came out in 2015. I've also pugged half of my LI after getting my first set since it's easier to link the armor to get into groups. You get some crap groups but overall, it's been more enjoyable than not. I've got a friends list full of raiders I met along the way from pugs. (and some people on my block list too haha!)

Like others mentioned the convenience factor is also a super nice bonus since the armory went live a few years ago. I personally run multiple specs on multiple characters for raids or whatever and would love to complete the convenience factor for that ring slot. I know I could pick it up in other game modes (I chased the pvp back for example) but also that hope on the visual completion is something I'm holding out for as well with a pve set.

If you haven't tried chasing a legendary I would highly recommend giving aurora or vision a shot to start out, that or do one of the story Gen 2 weapons mentioned above. You need some patience getting through some parts, but its worth it imo!

this ^^ here is the purest form of playing guildwars2... he enjoyed playing it.. the journey and story and lore associated with the legendary is worth it... a cool visual effect of a legendary is just icing on the cake, toppings on a pizza... please anet.. we need a new pve ring with story, lore collections and cool effect... tq

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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  • 4 months later...

Let me bump this... Don't hate me for it X)


I made 3 full set of of legy raid armors.. (and most gen1 weapons and gen2 that has lore) full trinkets except the final ring... Because I'm hesitant that wvw ring doesn't have lore or fun collection and have an unpleasant white glob blob visual on the side...

And also a glint of hope that we would get a nice ring with collections and stuff ... if enough players ask anet and express their desire


The point is... There could be players like me who enjoy the game for these kind of lore, collection , journey... Please we need a new legy ring with collections and cool effect...


Also dungeons and fractals have nice opportunity for lore and collections... tq

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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