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My American friend cannot transfer

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My friend: wordyman.1672 is American and had played GW2 at release on Crystal Desert server in Americas. He wants to play again with his new found British friends on our home server of Gandara. However, after buying the gems required for a transfer his transfer has been denied. He cannot guest on our server, nor can we guest on his. Although this would hardly matter as my friends and I mostly WvW. I have no free character slots and all 9 characters I have are max lvl. This is totally prohibiting us from playing together.

Please help, its unrealistic for all of us to transfer off Gandara which has been our home since release.

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@Torasan.6029 said:

@Vegeta.2563 said:If you have discord.. send a message to GW2Bot#2251 .. with the message
$wvw populationtrack Gandara
When Gandara is open for transfers the bot will PM you to let you know.

Sounds like a good idea but I cannot seem to add @GW2Bot2251

Any ideas?

Click on Friends then Add friend type the name GW2Bot#2251 in and hit send request..

Also I got notification stating Gandara is open atm.. but that was about 4 hours ago.. might not be by the time you see this.

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