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Question about weapon swap mechanics and stat combo's

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Before I get started; im a casual player and not concerned with min/maxing etc.

Anywho, ive recently started dabbling with Chrono for my lil RL friend group, with the intention of being our primary 'support' for our little instance/dungeon times, mostly for the boon spread, etc. However, I don't yet have my hand on any of the fancy +concentration sets yet. Working on that, but this will likely take me a little while. So, in order to get the max boon duration that I am capable of, given my situation; I want to buy the sigil of concentration for the 33% boon duration on weapon swap for 7sec. Trouble is, at the moment I ma bit poor and can only afford 1.

I was considering doing scepter/shield + sword/shield; but, I only have 1 shield. If I put the sigil in the (single) Shield; will it trigger on weapon swap from sword<->scepter?

Extra credit:For a mostly casual open world PvE player; what's the quickest way to get my hands on the fancy stat combo's like minstrel, trailblazer, viper; etc? Im fine with just yellow/orange quality honestly. I 'assume' crafting, but crafting is kinda a bore for me. Ill continue to 'slowly' grind it up if this is truly the best way, but asking for info on alternatives. To add, I have HoT and PoF; but I do not own LW season 2 or 3. Will consider buying LW3 if that would aid in me getting my hands on fancy stat combo's sooner, especially since I primarily do casual open world PvE.

looking forward to your responses! TYVM!!!

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The setup you describe (one weapon slot empty to use the same shield in both sets) works precisely as you want it - the shield is always being swapped to, so a sigil there can trigger every time (as long as it's off cooldown, of course).

LW3 is worth it as there's easily grindable ascended trinkets including the HoT stats like Minstrel's and Commander's. You can.even cherry-pick specific episodes to get all you need from as few maps as possible.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:The setup you describe (one weapon slot empty to use the same shield in both sets) works precisely as you want it - the shield is always being swapped to, so a sigil there can trigger every time (as long as it's off cooldown, of course).

LW3 is worth it as there's easily grindable ascended trinkets including the HoT stats like Minstrel's and Commander's. You can.even cherry-pick specific episodes to get all you need from as few maps as possible.

Please bear with me for not being familiar with many of the game mechanics >.<

I don't really quite understand what do you mean by ' the shield is always being swapped to' when TC mentioned that he has only one shield? I have two questions on Sigil of Concentration activation. Sorry TC I did not want to start another topic since we are on the same subject.

  1. Do I need two Sigils, one on my Broadsword and the other on my Hammer for the boons duration to proc regardless of which weapon I swapped to?Or one will work for both?
  2. For the swap thingy to work, do I swap weapon BEFORE or AFTER I activated the boons? Or it works either way?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

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@Mil.3562 said:

@"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:The setup you describe (one weapon slot empty to use the same shield in both sets) works precisely as you want it - the shield is always being swapped to, so a sigil there can trigger every time (as long as it's off cooldown, of course).

LW3 is worth it as there's easily grindable ascended trinkets including the HoT stats like Minstrel's and Commander's. You can.even cherry-pick specific episodes to get all you need from as few maps as possible.

Please bear with me for not being familiar with many of the game mechanics >.<

I don't really quite understand what do you mean by ' the shield is always being swapped to' when TC mentioned that he has only one shield? I have two questions on Sigil of Concentration activation. Sorry TC I did not want to start another topic since we are on the same subject.

When using one-handed weapons, you can leave a slot empty in one of the sets. When switching to that set, your character will still be wielding the item in that slot from the
set. It still counts as a weapon swap for the sigils in
weapons, however.
  1. Do I need two Sigils, one on my Broadsword and the other on my Hammer for the boons duration to proc regardless of which weapon I swapped to?Or one will work for both?For two-handed weapons, you'll need one in each as there's no way to have one "stay active". Only the sigils in the weapon(s) you're wielding
    the swap trigger.
  2. For the swap thingy to work, do I swap weapon BEFORE or AFTER I activated the boons? Or it works either way?You get bonus Concentration when you swap, and the duration of a boon is determined from your Concentration
    when you cast it
    . So the order is Swap > Cast Boon.

There are effects that lengthen existing boons, but those mention that specifically.

Thank you in advance for any replies.Glad to help :)

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Mil.3562 said:
  1. For the swap thingy to work, do I swap weapon BEFORE or AFTER I activated the boons? Or it works either way?You get bonus Concentration when you swap, and the duration of a boon is determined from your Concentration
    when you cast it
    . So the order is Swap > Cast Boon.

effects that lengthen existing boons, but those mention that specifically.

Thank you and last question for clarification : P

Concentration Sigil in-game description is,

'Boons you apply last 33% longer for 7 seconds when you swap to this weapon while in combat'

So it means..

Swap weapon > Sigil activated and 7 seconds timer starts3 seconds later > Cast Regen with 10 seconds duration > Proc Concentration > Regen duration is increased to 13.3 seconds.

That 7 seconds timer is for you to cast the boon before the Sigil effect runs out?

Thanks again, your help is much appreciated <3

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