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My friend and i are getting really annoyed at this error code popping up every time a cut scene at the end of an instance is about to start and he gets booted to the character screen. its been happening constantly since roughly living world season 3 came out. My friend cannot complete any of the chapters because the instance ends with a cut scene and it kicks him to the character screen every time. i saw a video of wooden potatoes stream from heart of thorns with the same problem, so its rather hard to believe that this is still a problem. i would greatly appreciate any response to this problem however small as it has been going on for far too long.

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I'd be interested to know if you get this sorted as Im having exactly the same problem - I get a 7:11:3:191:101 error at exactly the same point every time in step 6 of the HoT story (Prisoners of the Dragon). As soon as you get to Eir/Faiolin and Brahm says 'Dont worry mom, we'll get you out' it disconnects and dumps me out of the game.

I've run repairs on the game client etc but it still doesnt help and I've pretty much stopped playing the game now as Im getting sick of running the same instance over and over only to have it crash and loose all progress. I entered a ticket in about it 8 days ago (so far) and not heard anything back.

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Have also been getting this issue. It is always in the story missions and always towards then end of the mission. Like Athal.9065 I first saw this in Prisoners of the Dragon quest and after 3 attempts I managed to get through it (by skipping the cut scene and after repaired client had guested on another server, though that doesnt consistently work). Unfortunately that is not the only HoT story mission have seen this in. But, least for me, rushing the mission to complete asap and skipping to the end cut scenes seems to get me through it on the 2nd attempt. Have only seen this in the story instances, open world is fine, so must be something to do with however they manage connectivity to them.

I really hope that the Arenanet guys are looking into this, as if the same issue applies to PoF then wont be good :( .

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  • 1 month later...

Same issue here. Last night I got to the last cinematic in Caudacus Manor and was disconnected. Then I logged in and tried to continue with the PoF story and got dc'd at the end of the Balthezar on the Hill instance. Very frustrating because I have to run the same instance over and over and cross my fingers that it won't kick me at the end.

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To all responses above:

I have been having the issue as well, however I recently opened up the TCP ports needed for GW2, and have had relatively no issues since then with this error. If you own your own router, you should be able to open the ports yourself. If you have a router through your internet company, you may have to call their technical support to unlock it for you (we have Spectrum, and we have a modem/router duo bought through them, and they had to unrestrict the ports for us; inconvenient for us, but one time done until we get a new router to say at least).

Check this post out too, it may help if that has already been done. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863018-Common-Error-Codes

Hope it gets resolved for you guys!

Just realized I posted on a necroed thread... oopsie.

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