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Took a break, where is the dailies and why have my runes be ruined?


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21 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:


I could get you back into the game for 30g, if you made poor gear decisions before you quit (because the scholar/berserker meta never fell out of favour). Hell, I've jumpstarted new players with less given the availability of bargain bin exotic level 80 gear on the TP. You seriously overestimate the standard of player gear, many of whom probably still take their level 60 level up uw gear into t4 fractals lmao.

I think a set of exotic lvl 80 berserker armor is about 250k karma at the south temple in Orr.

Leaves the runes, trinkets and weapons +sigils. Weapons at the new wvw dude and trinkets for laurels and the wvw dude.

The Deadeye or Ogre runes are cheaper than Scholar. And sigils whatever one thinks fancy/useful. I love the generosity one.

(I, myself, don't need anything due to legendary runes/sigils.)

When I returned, 3 years ago, I had lvl 80 exotic armor like power, toughness, condition dmg (or sth) on my ranger with shortbow and sword/torch. It was quite though to play through HoT like that until some old friend told me about the berserker meta (that didn't exist in the first GW 2 year I played back then). Berserker with longbow and greatsword was easier. (But HoT was general quite though for me)

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