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Guild leader and guild founder of the Angels of Flowing Tears (AofT) has suddenly and unexpectedly passed away.

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Google translate: "Dear community, Unfortunately, I have to inform you that the guild leader and guild founder of the Angels of Flowing Tears (AofT) has suddenly and unexpectedly passed away.

Many of you know him by his character name Amelie DeGermania or his account name Amelie De Germania.2385. Since 2006, at the time of Guild Wars 1, he has been an active part of this community, where he founded the Angels of Flowing Tears and expanded it into one of the largest German guilds. In Guild Wars 2 he became internationally known, especially on the server Kodasch in world versus world mode, through his community work and his WvW leads. The entire guild, as well as friends, acquaintances and fellow players are absolutely stunned and saddened by this great loss.

I would also like to use this thread to invite ArenaNet's developers and staff to create a memorial on one of the WvW maps for these great achievements.

My deepest condolences to the entire Guild Wars 2 community

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My friend, every evening we played WvW together. Whether we were leaden or roaming with the guild. I knew you for 12 years! When the news came, I was shocked!

I can hardly believe it! May you have an eye over your guild and now find your peace! And may there be an immortalisation on your Map the Eternal! 

We will say goodbye to you on the Eternals!!!


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Dear GW2 community Dear Anet

We from the guild [Krit] Die letzten Kreuzritter playing on WSR Server would like to express our deepest regrets about your loss. 
A guild of this magnitude as well as their years of love and perseverance in this game should be honored and a memorial erected in honor of their leader and founder. 
This dedication to running a guild over such a long period of time is not often found in this fast paced world of gaming. 
We from the guild [Krit]  would support this wish and ask that Anet be granted the wish of the guild Angels of Flowing Tears (AofT)
We are proud to have known him as part of the great one and are sure that anet will recognize and honor the value of this traditional guild.

A silent farewell to an enthusiastic leader and friend 

Pipa Van Wolf - Leader [Krit] 
Odin der Allvater - Leader [Krit] 

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Dear Thorsten,
Unfortunately, people like you are far too rare these days. Forgiving and argumentative, but never resentful, instead extremely helpful. Highly educated, hardworking, intelligent and politically well informed. Your talents were so diverse and you had an interest in so many things in life like no one else. You could do a thousand things at the same time...a real jack of all trades, I would say.
I will never forget the way you looked when we first met. You had stretched your afternoon nap too long and missed the start of the guild events for the AofT's 10th anniversary celebrations. Since so many guild members had met, back then in Teamspeak, and you were the only one who could start the events, I made my way to you. Your look was a mixture of sleepiness, surprise and I think also a bit of fear. "What is this 1.83 guy suddenly standing in front of my front door? He has such broad shoulders, but I don't want to meet him at night.". 😛 An image for the gods.
The look you gave me after you saw me almost drowning my new processor in thermal paste was also divine. I'll never forget how you lay on my floor and used cotton balls and Q-tips to scrape off the excess thermal paste from the processor while my younger brother and I watched excitedly. Actually, I don't need to mention that you obviously got the computer running.
The sight of your completely overloaded VW Polo with an angle was also absolutely legendary. To this day I still can't explain how you actually made it to the guild meeting in one piece. And of course these meetings were absolute highlights!!!
Unfortunately, you left us far too soon, but I'm sure you've already found a warm place by the campfire in the eternal hunting grounds.

The last gentlest greeting
Your Sato [AofT]

@Rubi Bayer.8493

Edited by Scion.2091
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I am very saddened by this news. Thorsten was a highly committed player to whom the Kodash community owes an incredible amount. He was never fazed by some of the headwinds that his commitment brought him. It was always a pleasure to roam the map with him, even when I stopped playing on Kodash at some point and we faced each other as opponents.

Seeing him online had become so natural for me and it makes me very sad that this will not happen again. My deepest sympathies go out to his family and the many people he was close to.

Dear Thorsten, how I wish I had the opportunity to take another trip across the map with you. Thank you for the many moments we shared, which are now sadly just a memory. Rest in peace.

Your Gloury

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