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Dagger Mirage with 100% Condition duration


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I have been playing around with using Relic of the Aristocracy with Dagger Ambush. It doesn't seem to have to enough condition applications to compete with the Axe Ambush, but it is pretty close.

It follows pretty similar logic to the current Mirage Axe build but I use Illusions instead of Chaos, so I get more Torment on shattering.
I also use off-hand Torch rather than Staff or Sword/Focus.


Anyone has any thoughts on this... If the mess with any of the Chaos and Axe Ambush numbers with the upcoming patch it might be an attractive build.
It is essentially a Tanky Virtuoso.

Edited by Mell.4873
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35 minutes ago, Geronmy.3298 said:

I mean you can ditch the relic and use the demon queen one for extra poison or midnight king to get might if you are playing solo. Ambush dazes so it will proc everytime you ambush.

If I did that I would not personally be at 100% condition duration but for solo maybe that could work. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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100% condi duration is pretty much standard on most self made builds, its only meta sites that don't have it on Mesmer as they're usually about 2 years behind in terms of builds. 

The shatter torment is not nearly as useful as the 250 expertise alone from chaos for that reason. 

Tanky Virtuoso already exists with 100% condi uptime even without Relic of A thru use of the the Fury Expertise traitline choice.

I've tried using Illusion instead in a variety of ways but Chaos simply offers more dps, esp for solo. As you can get the few extra sources of condi damage and the procs + boon application. Its why Meta sites are only hitting low 40k with Virt rn bc they don't use chaos correctly to get 100% condi uptime + acquire the extra damage. 

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