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Non-Selfish Inspiration/Chaos Virtuoso finally......


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I remember when Virtuoso came out the main complaint was that it was selfish and didn't provide and boons. Regardless of if i pointed it out that it could provide good healing, boons seem to be gold standard for a good PvE/WvW build.

Well, we got it now with Chaos, Bountiful Disillusionment now provides group might Vigor Fury and most important Stability and Resistance.


Now why Virtuoso with Bountiful Disillusionment, when something like Mirage Staff exists, well in terms of Damage Virtuoso takes the cake for Mesmer. Nothing comes close except for an extremely tight Chronomancer Split Second spam in terms of damage. The numbers i can pull even with half Celestials is 30K+ in PvE fights.

Edited by Mell.4873
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The biggest problem I see with Virtuoso and the new support rework is that Virtuoso can't cast Bladesongs without blades active.


Chrono can use Continuum Split and press F1-F4 to get the boons without needing any clones but the Virtuoso will have to restock blades before they can use each of the Bladesongs.


I'm sure it will be doable but the boon duration also doesn't seem great for uptime without resetting the cooldowns.

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3 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

The biggest problem I see with Virtuoso and the new support rework is that Virtuoso can't cast Bladesongs without blades active.


Chrono can use Continuum Split and press F1-F4 to get the boons without needing any clones but the Virtuoso will have to restock blades before they can use each of the Bladesongs.


I'm sure it will be doable but the boon duration also doesn't seem great for uptime without resetting the cooldowns.

I agree, I mean I have to use the Relic that gives you Protection and Regeneration on heal to even get enough Regeneration for the Chaos traitline when playing solo. 

My main point is the damage on Virtuoso is A+ and the only argument against is was the selfish nature. For the most part I believe that is gone, sure you are not Alacrity or Quickness healer but I don't see why you can't bring it in most end game content to help out. 

I often use builds like this with pugs who makes mistakes. There is nothing wrong with running something like double Feedback on EoD strikes, now the Chaos boons are the icing on top. 

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30 minutes ago, Provocative.3561 said:

I did some testing with virt, mirage is way better at outputting boons or even chrono. But if blades you are worried about. Blade of renewal and deceptive evasion will stock your blades along with infinite forge. Food for thought

True but I'm looking for damage above all else which Virtuoso does best compared to the other two Elites at. Sure on pure benchmarks they are all the same but piercing blades have alot more applications. Especially during raids/strikes when slotting in either Chaos or Inspiration won't drop your DPS by much. 

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Regen is not as easy to maintain as it used to be for chaos but 100% uptime is still doable without a relic.

Torch/Staff with the Chaos Aura traitline. Open with Healing skill then hit the F2, Use the torch to proc the staff 5, use the 2 on staff, then use the 4 on staff. From just opening with this you should net enough even without a lot of concentration. 

I don't think Blade generation is ever an issue for condi virt, power maybe. 

Mirage is only better due to alac access but that's simply just the OP nature of the boon itself. 

And the only people who had issues with Virt Healers before were the meta only types, which are usually not as good skill wise or enjoyable to play with. If they don't want a Virt heal in the group thats their loss, they can have their sub 30k dps healer 😛

Edited by Voyant.1327
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On 12/9/2023 at 12:38 PM, Voyant.1327 said:

Regen is not as easy to maintain as it used to be for chaos but 100% uptime is still doable without a relic.

Torch/Staff with the Chaos Aura traitline. Open with Healing skill then hit the F2, Use the torch to proc the staff 5, use the 2 on staff, then use the 4 on staff. From just opening with this you should net enough even without a lot of concentration. 

I don't think Blade generation is ever an issue for condi virt, power maybe. 

Mirage is only better due to alac access but that's simply just the OP nature of the boon itself. 

And the only people who had issues with Virt Healers before were the meta only types, which are usually not as good skill wise or enjoyable to play with. If they don't want a Virt heal in the group thats their loss, they can have their sub 30k dps healer 😛

I agree with your Mirage point. I have difficulty maintaining the muscle memory on to many characters so I prefer Chronomancer support over Mirage and it is far easier (just spawn phantasms). 

In terms of Inspiration Virtuoso I ofter either lead fractals or strikes with it or sneak it in untill someone asks where all the feedback resurrecting is comming from. It kind of just a safe pick, I can still pull about 20-25k dps. 

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