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A bundle of suggestions to fix some of the current hitches with warrior.


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  • Dragon Trigger - Boost - Rework as a shadowstep with a ground target. On cast, you shadowstep to your endpoint, and 1/2 second later a field between your start and endpoint is drawn, dealing heavy damage in a single packet to all targets in the field. Same diameter as the original Boost skill.
  • Eviscerate: The leap evades. Evaded attacks increase the strike damage of the skill while the skill is being channeled.
  • Arc Divider: Recharge Whirlwind if it lands. 
  • Hundred Blades: Striking a target with this skill reduces all Greatsword skills by a half second of recharge per instance. 
  • Bloody Roar: For PVP, additional strike damage every second you remain in zerk mode, up to a cap of 10% additional damage. Decays by same amount out of shroud. 
  • Axe throw: Use the Ranger axe throw pathing. 
  • Skull Grinder: Unsplit from PVE.
  • King of Fires: 7 second CD.
  • Imminent Threat: 30 second cd
  • Whirling Axe: Reflects projectiles, like the thief stolen skill. 

Critique encouraged, this is half serious though. 


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