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I (and probably the vast majority of revenants) want Equilibrium back.


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@Alveen.7239 said:I just don't understand why they removed equilibrium and then went on to give us a crappier version that's in the same line as rolling mists like who in their right mind is taking that kitten. Also to the people who are inevitably going to tell me to switch to sword offhand, no, the answer isn't forcing someone to use a certain weapon.

Because most players that played Rev do not have a high mechanical skillcap and often did not slot this in a burst rotation. Maining PowerRev and at an above average level (in terms of Spvp) was a team-fight roll / +1. Over the past balance patch notes, power rev only continued to get nerf, equilbrium was necessary for it to still be viable for its damage, even though its Autoattack + impos. Odds was its stronget source of damage, it still just made rev ultimately weaker and indirect hit to the skillcap.

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@Mightfo.1358 said:

@"Alveen.7239" said:I just don't understand why they removed equilibrium and then went on to give us a crappier version that's in the same line as rolling mists like who in their right mind is taking that kitten.

Charged mists is great. You can get +33% crit from Renegade anyway so maxing crit is easy and thus Rolling Mists isnt necessary, and Charged Mists is frankly a lot more interesting and enjoyable than Equilibrium ever was. You're encouraged to spit out tons of utility rather than being like "ehhhhh too expensive" constantly.

I believe people already said no Renegade kthx :^)

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@Mightfo.1358 said:

@"Alveen.7239" said:I just don't understand why they removed equilibrium and then went on to give us a crappier version that's in the same line as rolling mists like who in their right mind is taking that kitten.

Charged mists is great. You can get +33% crit from Renegade anyway so maxing crit is easy and thus Rolling Mists isnt necessary, and Charged Mists is frankly a lot more interesting and enjoyable than Equilibrium ever was. You're encouraged to spit out tons of utility rather than being like "ehhhhh too expensive" constantly.

Bro, we are talking PvP not fighting some random PvE mob. If you are at full endurance in sPvP it is a good indication that you are doing something seriously wrong. It is very well established that condi renegade does not work in PvP. Power renegade is not a thing in any game mode. And charged mist is a raid only trait. It does not work anywhere else.

I can read into off hand sword filling equilibrium trait role, but this renegade and/or charged mists mambo jumbo is garbage.

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@Blood.5607 said:

@Alveen.7239 said:I just don't understand why they removed equilibrium and then went on to give us a crappier version that's in the same line as rolling mists like who in their right mind is taking that kitten. Also to the people who are inevitably going to tell me to switch to sword offhand, no, the answer isn't forcing someone to use a certain weapon.

Because most players that played Rev do not have a high mechanical skillcap and often did not slot this in a burst rotation. Maining PowerRev and at an above average level (in terms of Spvp) was a team-fight roll / +1. Over the past balance patch notes, power rev only continued to get nerf, equilbrium was necessary for it to still be viable for its damage, even though its Autoattack + impos. Odds was its stronget source of damage, it still just made rev ultimately weaker and indirect hit to the skillcap.

New IR does so much more damage when +1'ing than Eq ever did tho... So even if they brought Eq back, I dunno how you could even justify using it.

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