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How to remove afkers and bot rewards farmers during PVP.

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On 1/21/2024 at 7:12 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

- Stay in queue for 10min.

- Get match. 

- Check Team preview. 

- See that my team has worse setup. 

- Go midfight.

- Lose midfight. (we got destroyed) 

- Score 100 to 10.

- "Yep, match lost" 

- No reason to fight anymore. 

- Option A. Go Afk. 

- Get reported. 

- Option. B. Feed enemy points to get out of a time wasting match quicker. 

- Get reported. 

- Option C. Pretend to care and "fight". 

- Waste unnecessary lifetime for literally nothing. 



This is literally every PvP game in existence.

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