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Game world maybe ruined

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20 hours ago, Hsanrb.1570 said:

The best I got out of this thread seems to be that the OP believes there are certain aspects of games that are enjoyed but are being ignored? Aspects that were populated, but as people left so did the experience of the game? Then made a bunch of comparisons talking about other games and how PvP was once a cherished mode that gets neglected so people leave and then those modes are empty. Then says that games are being tailored to single player experiences (not single player, but how social aspects are being pushed out so you can play a game on your own) and that it might be time to transition to a new engine with a new title (Guild Wars 3) and bring that experience to consoles. Then something about how ArcheAge 2 being a console MMO that will show that MMO's on consoles can be done (what about FFXIV?)

I mean Final Fantasy XIV is the only MMO still relevant that is on consoles, and I think a majority of the Japanese player base is on console? Otherwise this is just another "MMO's are dead" disguised as broken English or an attempt to translate from another language. I'm not sure if this is a cry for PvP in MMO's to return or if they want MMO's on console (or both) but considering how many people probably opted out of PvP tracks in Wizards Vault, I can see why developers don't really focus on it anymore.

Just wanted to note that while I am not sure how you are defining "relevant," you can add ESO to the console list.  It is still a hugely popular MMO and people do play it on console, not just PC.  PvP there is just as toxic as anywhere else but it is fun and Cyrodil play in particular has some similar features /concepts as WvW in Gw2.  If OP is saying they would prefer pvp modes in an MMO on console they could give that a shot. 

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20 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

My main point is games are just not as fun as thry use to be or lack the modes to be fun or are lacking the population to be fun. When everybody is ignoring each other that can ruin a games population also.

 Games aren't as fun for you. I didn't enjoy PvP in GW 1 and I don't particularly enjoy it here. WvW is fine, however.  In general, I prefer WvW to most PvP in Guild Wars 1. But it's okay to like PvE better. 

This game clearly focuses on PvE. So maybe, just maybe, your opinion centered around PvP doesn't really affect much of the playerbase.  It's okay that you don't like it. But that doesn't mean games aren't as much fun for others.

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