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I don’t know if anyone will see this because I’m unsure about most of where I am in life and what life is these days but wanted to say a few things just in case.


I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for the many years of enjoyment I’ve had in this game, the guild mates I’ve had, the adventures I’ve been on. I’d love to play again someday but I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the chance. The community here truly is, aside from a few bad occurrences and iffy game modes, the best I’ve seen though others have seemed to improve a bit.


I will always cherish the time I had with you all, on Guild missions, in raids, etc.


I want to give my biggest thanks to the devs and the studio. I’ve always been opinionated and I’ve definitely been more unfair than I should have at times. I can’t imagine what it takes to be able to put something like this together, to keep it going, and especially given the difficult times the studio has had over the past few years. To keep morale in an already difficult industry, the amount of talent you all have. I know I’ve said it before but my dream, long ago, was to make it out there in hopes of one day getting to the level of being able to work for the studio. I have nowhere near the skill level or knowledge of anyone there but it did inspire me to pursue an associates - wasted where I am - and a career in web dev though I’ve not exactly excelled in it. I just want to say thank you once again to the many people involved. 

To the fellow players, especially in pvp, I want to make a special note to apologize to the people I’ve argued with, ridiculed, and been outright nasty and unsportsmanlike to. I’ve always been a poor sport, a bit of a brat, and I’ve always had low self-esteem but it doesn’t excuse the way I’ve acted or the things I’ve said at times. I hope you can trust me when I say I’m not that person outside of the game, that I’m far more patient, that I tried to be better toward the end because I know I stepped over the line on multiple occasions and I wish you all the best in life. Truly, truly want to express how sorry I am for how loathsome I was to some of you. I hid behind anonymity and I let my anger get the best of me far too many times. We don’t know who is on the other side of the screen or what they’re going through and I’m so sorry. I hope you’re all enjoying life, the game, and everything in between.

Lastly, I wish the studio a prosperous long future still. Special apology to certain studio members I mentioned in the past looking high on stream. That was not intended to be an insult and I fear it was taken that way. I can’t imagine what it must take to be  up there or the amount of nerves it takes to be on camera like that and honestly I always looked forward to the livestreams after releases. Rambling, I’m sorry. 

I wish you all the best, players, devs, studio. 

With love, 


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