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Silent Surf grappling hook mechanic needs to be removed or reworked.

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This post is kind of a rant towards the devs who remain ignorant towards the game and the existing system they are developing for.

I enjoy doing all the PvE end game content, but since the introduction of the new Silent Surf CM, I stopped doing fractals. After a while, I've read that the new CM is actually doable now, and since recently I've been trying to get back into doing those regularly. While I intended that, this one mechanic prevents me from doing Silent Surf CM because whoever designed the level never came across this scenario.

As many of you know, at 66% and 33%, 3 players get assigned an add to kill, for a limited time. In order to get to the add though, they first have to jump to a platform, which is difficult to reach using the provided grappling hook because the zoom level is not enough to clearly see the whole platform and aim properly. While many players figured out the aim to not bump into the edge of those platforms, one problem remains...

You can never reach the platform if you're playing with action camera mode.

So while this mode provides a fair amount of accessibility, it also obstructs certain levels of zoom and camera angles. Because of that, the 2nd and 3rd platforms by height are unreachable. While I have more complaints about the action camera, it is very unlikely this to be reworked so my bet is on the newer content to adapt to what already exists.

Besides this drawback, the mechanic assignment is completely random and you can't prepare as a party for it, which is, again, an awful design.

While it makes sense for a hook to be thrown at a rock/wall/whatever, this game doesn't offer a "pull yourself up" ability for your character, and makes the way it currently works illogical. To fix this, the hook must be able to be cast at the target on the platform.

While I highly doubt anyone would care about end game content and accessibility at the same time when you can just make cat-related stuff for the gem store, I wish the devs spent a little more time brainstorming when coming up with content and how it's going to affect all players and all ways of playing instead of just aiming for the majority.

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On 2/24/2024 at 12:57 PM, Vortelf.4297 said:

You can never reach the platform if you're playing with action camera mode.

Besides this drawback, the mechanic assignment is completely random and you can't prepare as a party for it, which is, again, an awful design.

In case this isn't a troll post:

1. Don't play with action camera mode then. Easy fix.

2. The mechanic assignment is only random if you allow it. DPS players can prepare for phasing and run in front of the phantoms to get the tether. It works really fine. If your groups doesn't know it doesn't matter. Players should be able to handle the phases no matter what. I know so many mediocre players being successful here. It's not rocket science:

  • Run to the edge of the platform
  • Change to skill bar for jumping
  • Aim for the middle of the outer platform right inside of the phantom you have to kill
  • Jump

It never fails. Never ever. The phantom on the outer platform is no risk at all. It's a dummy. Don't care about being hit or anything else. Just ignore it. If you have toxic trail just move out after landing. Ez pz. Zerk it down, jump onto the middle of the mushroom. Happy landing in the middle. gg

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On 3/3/2024 at 12:06 AM, Vinceman.4572 said:

1. Don't play with action camera mode then. Easy fix.


I hate it when people shout this kind on nonsense as a fix. The OP is 100% right with his/her issue. I play in action cam due to a disablity and i would not be able to play the game at all without it. Content should be designed around all input methods and options available to the user.

To the OP,  jumping to the platforms is indeed a nightmare with AC on, although it is not impossible unless you get the raised one. I have caps lock bound to enable/disable action cam though and this works very well. I get into posistion at the edge, disable AC, jump over then re-enable it while in flight. Once you get the hang of it it probably only adds about 0.5s to the time it takes you to reach the platform and still leaves plenty of time to burst it down even if you are heal.

Edited by Crit.5123
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ive completed multiple CM titles runs and the grapple mechanic is by far the worst mechanic and is the cause for like 80% of wipes in my group. The grapple hook can just not work at times and in some instances you don't even get a grapple hook and no one can get the last aspect resulting in a wipe. The fractal bugs constantly i tried recently helping a pug get their title and almost all wipes were from bugs and the 3 main culprits are:

1.Grapple hook not working or some rare cases not enough people even getting grapple hook.

2. Eye hitting you when your looking away even when action cam is off.

3. Platform phase happening twice in a row and overlaps with number phase which happened both at 60% and 30%.

The mechanics aren't hard its just luck at this point. your lucky if your fractal doesn't bug.

Edited by ArcanistSeven.8720
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