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Add options to disable "QoL" features

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I would like to ask for a new QoL feature: The option to turn off QoL features.
In particular:
1) the target assist option on movement skills
2) the inability to cast some single target skills without a target

From the POV of a GvG/15v15 player, on support elementalist, I don't care at all about landing the damaging part of most skills. 
Instead, depending on the skill, it does not work if I have or don't have a target. Not only that but you are heavily punished for having or not having a target.
Let me give you examples (IMO, they all will be relevant after the next patch - which is why I bring it up now):

1) Movement skills require no target.
Due to low natural defenses, ele relies heavily on its excellent damage evasion, partially coming from mobility skills. 
If you play dagger main hand, you have access to fire 3, earth 3, on dagger offhand also air 5, and earth 5. All these skills make ele very mobile and allow it to go into dangerous situations and land its low range heals on priority targets. This is fun and exciting. Until you have targeted an enemy and your movement skills now put you in the middle of the enemy squad. Not only does your mobility skill not give you mobility, but it actively griefs you when you have a target. Sure, you can drop the target before you use the skill. But why do I have to do like 3x as many clicks to use my skills - that are also emergency defensive skills - when I never ever want to use them on an enemy player in the first place? Please, give an option to turn this auto-targeting off. 

2) Some skills require a target.
Its unique access to shocking aura is one of the main reasons to play ele as support in GvG. Any skill that gives access to shocking aura is very interesting to support for this purpose alone.
Why is it, that I can cast Elemental Explosion (pistol unload) only if I have a target? I don't care for the damage part whatsoever. 
Maybe I just used dagger air 5 to dodge and cc the enemy (requiring me to untarget :)) and now I want to apply shocking aura to my team. Well, better tab a target quickly, otherwise the skill will do nothing...
Even worse: Earth trait line is super cool with the Written in Stone trait. I'm excited, I can now have an instant cast utility that can grant shocking aura. I can use that while evading! Ah never mind, for fire 3/earth 3 I have to drop target so I cannot use 
the signet since it requires a target. It even puts it on a 3s cooldown if you dare to click it while using your dodge skills. 

IMO, p/d ele with Written in Stone will be quite a decent and unique build and quite good in its own niche. 
But, after trying it for a bit, it is just way to frustrating to play. 
E.g., playing p/d catalyst would be quite cool, but having to manage 1) energy, 2) finishers for elemental epitome, 3) pistol bullets is quite a few systems already. 
Now, among all those systems, you forget to drop target once before you want to use earth 5 for repositioning and you quite literally kill yourself by jumping into the enemy because your mobility skill is gone and you are just the squishiest class stuck in the enemy squad <- QoL.

Im not complaining about not having a good way to track energy on catalyst - I use my skills to gain or lose energy, so while im mindful about it, I know how much energy I have.
Im not complaining about not having any way to tell which bullets I have (no way you find them in random places in the skill bar during combat), I know based on what buttons I pressed.
Ele is a class that lives from its fun little mini-games that you must use efficiently to create value.

But having to randomly take and drop targets in between every other skill for reasons that have nothing to do with what the skills do for me is just annoying and quite the opposite of QoL. Even worse it just griefs you if you forget once.


Please add an option to turn off these QoL features!

Thanks - Pilz

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19 hours ago, Tyga.7056 said:

I totally agree. Never understood the dagger 3 change in the first place. 

I understand it, but that doesn't mean I agree with it. It was done to avoid zooming off the platform when using it as part of a rotation in certain raids and strikes... but dagger hasn't been a recommended DPS weapon in that environment for a while anyway, possibly in part because the "QoL" change made it harder to get that burning trait under your target. And that's rarely an issue anywhere else.

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I just want the old dagger 3 skills back the weapon was way more fluid with the untargeted dashes ... and you can easily solve the dashing off the platform issue by ... not pressing that button when facing a cliff edge


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1 hour ago, Wyrdern.4092 said:

I just want the old dagger 3 skills back the weapon was way more fluid with the untargeted dashes ... and you can easily solve the dashing off the platform issue by ... not pressing that button when facing a cliff edge


Yeah, I think the general consensus even among raiders was that the "QoL feature" was a net loss.

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