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Every new engineer created after Soto have Holosmith sword bugged (skill throws less blades compared to old character on heat levels)

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The skills in the engineer sword are bugged. As an engineer when you are a holosmith the 1 of the sword doesn,t receive the 20% extra damage, my 2 always throw 2 edges and my 3 always give me 3 seconds of quickness like when you have not chosen the holosmith spec, this are the regular values outside this spec, and doesn,t matter having the heat above 50, i don,t receive more edges, more quickness or more damage, the last post i have seen about this is from a guy was from the start of september of 2023 and my sword is still bugged and don,t receive the beneficts of the heat.

Edited by Fortunello.9853
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Just tested sword autos, they do more damage based on heat level as stated. Quickness from 3 is correct (tested all heat levels) and same along with sword 2, not a single issue here is happening to me. Try a different engi and see you have the same results.

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Posted (edited)

Cannot try it in other engi because only at level 80 i would be able to check if it applied once i unlock the holosmith spec. In my sylvari my main engineer, the damage of the basic attack is not applied based on heat, my 2 always throw two edges even in holosmith (not taking consideration of the level of heat) and my 3 is always 3 seconds of quickness in pve not less with no heat no more with more than 50 heat. i have found in fact the same bug from a post from september 2023 . Thats why im fighting so much because is a bug not nearly as common as other but to me it literally kitten the use of the sword as a weapon. The video inside of this other post show exactly the problem.


Edited by Fortunello.9853
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Posted (edited)

 I have pass the last day and a half to level another engineer, and i can confirm that with a new human engineer right now at level 80 i have the same problem the values of the sword doesnt get updated to the heat of the holosmith and still act like i am any other spec. For this bug, this time Anet, im gonna fight until you recognize it and fix it because literally has broken the use of one of my weapons.

Edited by gglx.5286
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Another thing i have found today, my sword skills in the menu are greyed out, like when theres a weapon while you are leveling that you haven´t learned yet to use. The same problem happened in my engineer level 80 and a recently created engineer, both have the skills greyed out, in fact something curious is that at level 2 the engineer recently created have the 3 skills when equiping the sword instead of two and didn´t receive the message you have learned x and x and x skills, directly you can use them.

Edited by gglx.5286
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Posted (edited)

Omg i have found the origin of the problem after the last post and testing all the day, with the weapon mastery training of Soto the thing is that literally you don`t learn to use the sword or the skills you literally just use them compared to other weapons, thats why in pvp this doesn,t happen, the skills are colored and you are supposed to know them already compared to pve. As an engineer you doesn`t learn to use the sword and thats why the weapon applied always use the standar values of out of holosmith. This images show the cause of the problem comparing both pve and pvp https://imgur.com/ggvmHpC https://imgur.com/ABEAOFx 

This happen to any engineer created after weapon master training release that try to use the sword in holosmith with that character, the sword is not gonna take the holosmith spec or heat values to work.

Edited by gglx.5286
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  • Fortunello.9853 changed the title to 7 Months of the engineer sword bugged and unusuable to anyone new after weapon master training release.

I THOUGHT something seemed wrong with my sword since returning to the game. It felt way worse than it used to but I never could figure out exactly why.
This explains so much. And they're gonna make it even worse???

As someone without SotO yet this hurts even more since I can't just switch to a better weapon (let's face it, Rifle and Pistol aren't exactly great for a Power Holosmith either)

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Posted (edited)

Also to anyone curious that doesn`t want to read all the post before this one to resume: the sword doesn`t use heat in holosmith spec and just use the values, damage and skills of outside of the holosmith to any new engineer created after soto release, it`s like if rifle in deadeye didn`t use malice and you didn`t get any benefict of kneel.

Edited by Fortunello.9853
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Posted (edited)

Another example of the problem still not fixed and one that any engineer who know the sword can see is working wrong https://imgur.com/a/LWb5d3s as an holosmith how is possible that y throw two edges? with no heat? i should only throw one edge, 3 or five in this spec. Throwing two is only that only should happen if you are a mechanist, scrapper or core, and why? because you have no heat mechanic.

Edited by Fortunello.9853
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Same thing with me, the sword with holosmith's heat is completely buggy!
Please do something Anet, it's frustrating to see the celerity remain at 2 seconds and the projectiles at 2 with 100+ heat! and I guess damage is not added! I love my holo...

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Sorry for the double message but I also see on this photo https://imgur.com/ABEAOFx that I have the same problem, the skills remain grayed out ((with an equipped sword!)

Create an engineer reroll without touching the sword ONCE, then unlock Holosmith and finally try to equip a sword.
If it doesn't work, time's a-wasting...

Paying for an expansion, unlocking the weapon master and not being able to play Holosmith properly anymore, super thanks Anet, is it really legal to leave this bug for months!? Sad and angry 😕

Edited by BigBoF.2536
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Posted (edited)
On 3/30/2024 at 1:35 PM, BigBoF.2536 said:

Sorry for the double message but I also see on this photo https://imgur.com/ABEAOFx that I have the same problem, the skills remain grayed out ((with an equipped sword!)

Create an engineer reroll without touching the sword ONCE, then unlock Holosmith and finally try to equip a sword.
If it doesn't work, time's a-wasting...

Paying for an expansion, unlocking the weapon master and not being able to play Holosmith properly anymore, super thanks Anet, is it really legal to leave this bug for months!? Sad and angry 😕

Doesn`t matter don`t try it, i have already lose the time leveling two engineers both ways to test it, one not even touching the sword until i was 80 and with the holosmith spec unlocked and equiped and the other, the human i said, normal leveling using the sword etc, both engineer have the same bug and as i have already tested with more people any engineer created after weapon master training has his sword in holosmith bugged, doesn`t matter having an account from 12 years like myself or having a new account like a friend of the guild, if the engineer is created after weapon master training release, doesn`t properly learn to use the sword and the game doesn`t recognize the changes the weapon should have being a holosmith and having the heat mechanic.

Edited by Fortunello.9853
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  • Fortunello.9853 changed the title to 7 Months of the engineer sword bugged and unusuable to any new engineer created after weapon master training release.
Posted (edited)

Hey great they fixed the claw of jormag weekly, i suposse Anet now are gonna have time to fix something as big as having a weapon and his 3 skills bugged for his main spec right? right?... (insert star wars meme here) Also happy for the vault fix don`t get confused but kittening hell another hotfix without this looked up.

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idk who is spamming confused( must be rifle  mech mains with bugged toolbelt) in this topic but it's actually a real problem. all Holosmith players  who just got e-spec have no access to holo sword.

Edited by Adonaj.7932
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yes.. this bug is concerning.. not just holosmith.. but i fear these kind of bugs might be affecting other class specs too....

Imagine a new player whose character having a disadvantage over someone else's character(created early) having an advantage in-terms of weapons's dmg , trait proccing , skill dmg.. even though both players using the same weapon of same rarity and same build..


could be anything... example: untamed ambush skills creating less than normal amount of spores or no spores for dmg, ele pistol not applying the dmg modifiers, ranger mace5 skipping some hits, or could be affecting the old weapons for professions b4 soto.... this is wild(this sentence is just an example.. dont quote me or reply based on this sentence)


hope they fix it soon.. before it blows over

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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  • Fortunello.9853 changed the title to There is a bug affecting every new player and engineer created after Soto release, one that make the veterans of the class have a clear advantage in dps and more fun
On 4/6/2024 at 11:12 PM, Adonaj.7932 said:

idk who is spamming confused( must be rifle  mech mains with bugged toolbelt) in this topic but it's actually a real problem. all Holosmith players  who just got e-spec have no access to holo sword.

I think is more people like Sploogesque and his comment in this post before, engineers that has been created before weapon master training release that don`t suffer this bug and don`t get what we are talking about, the reason why i think Anet thinks that everything is fine with the weapon and don`t acknowledge the bug. To know and suffer this bug you have to be a new player or at least a new engineer after august of 2023 and have unlocked the level 80 and holosmith in pve. Still, i think that having a weapon broken (and practically one less weapon) for new people in the class just because the character was created after a date is a big enough problem and a disadvantage to take a look.

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  • Fortunello.9853 changed the title to There is a bug affecting every new player and engineer created after Soto release, one that make the veterans of the class have a clear advantage in dps and even more fun
2 hours ago, Fortunello.9853 said:

I think is more people like Sploogesque and his comment in this post before, engineers that has been created before weapon master training release that don`t suffer this bug and don`t get what we are talking about, the reason why i think Anet thinks that everything is fine with the weapon and don`t acknowledge the bug. To know and suffer this bug you have to be a new player or at least a new engineer after august of 2023 and have unlocked the level 80 and holosmith in pve. Still, i think that having a weapon broken (and practically one less weapon) for new people in the class just because the character was created after a date is a big enough problem and a disadvantage to take a look.

as far as i can see you changed the topic name. your statement is not correct tho. it's not about character creation date. it's all about when you got your e spec. i know many examples when 10+years characters have weapon bugs because they learned holo e-spec just now. it's actually not just the holo problem.

Edited by Adonaj.7932
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Posted (edited)

Oh? thats new info in fact, but still i don`t think is a holo problem, i mean mainly with the spec, see, before weapon master training in soto release, this problem didn`t existed because the only way to equip the sword was when at level 80 you unlocked the holo spec, you take the spec, then, you equip the sword and boom 3 new skills are unlocked only for this spec, but because of this bug now you don`t learn the skills ( you don`t get the message of you have learned x, x and x skill) like with other weapons when you equip them for the first time, the sword doesn`t recognize the changes to the holo spec because of the new created  basic version to use without heat. The people that have an old engineer and now have found this bug even unlocking holo spec now should be because they didn`t have the sword skills unlocked before.

In fact other thing that i have discovered this week that show that the problem it`s to the people that don`t have the sword unlocked before weapon master training release [apart from the example that the weapon don`t have this problem in pvp (because in this mode the game recognize that all the weapon are learner)]  is that after anyone  create a new engineer and  finish the prologue at level 2 you should have only two skills unlocked with any weapon and at level 3 you unlock the third one, BUT with the sword because you never learn the skills even at level 2 for some reason the engineer with the sword is the only class that have 3 skills unlocked.

Even witch all that im gonna change the tittle to add the people that have an old engineer but didn`t unlocked the sword before Soto release, because now this bug include even more people, thanks Adonaj.

Edited by Fortunello.9853
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