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Put a stop to the Mighty Oouo Event bugged ( Meteorlogicus III Crafting : Storm )

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The event is currently bugged and unable to proceed. The Whisper Agents just stand at the lake not moving. From checking this event has been bugged for a very long time and yet to be fixed for almost a year. "Event boss [Group Event] Put a stop to the Mighty Oouo (54)" is the name of the Event. Been waiting and retrying for 3 days not sure if im getting the same map over and over or just real bad luck. Please provide a solution as soon as possible. Map is Timberline Falls next to Ogduk Waypoint in East of map. The Pre Event to this is "Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp" the event that starts at "White paper hill " - [&BE8CAAA=]

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The event stalls pretty often, but it's incorrect to assume that means it cannot be completed. In particular, I've done it twice within the year. I've also been on the map at other times when the chain was proceeding properly.

  • Park a toon in the vicinity of the event.
  • Swap to that toon as often as you have the patience.
  • Eventually, you'll be in a new instance and the event chain will proceed as expected.

If you want to accelerate the process, you can try the following:

  • As soon after reset as possible.
  • Whenever Timberline Falls is the target of a 4-event daily (check the wiki: it can be a core-only daily, which PoF & HoT owners won't notice)
  • After guesting, you can sometimes get on a fresh map.
  • Friday, Saturday, or Sunday: guilds do events, so fresh maps are slightly more likely to spawn.
  • As soon as possible after a patch, in which case the map is guaranteed fresh (e.g. this coming Tuesday, which begins Wintersday).

It's super annoying that this precursor-collection-required event isn't reliable, but fortunately: you only need it to work once. Each time I was there (for the successes and the ones where I didn't stay to follow it through), I called out the event in /map and not a single person joined. It's about the only time in my GW2 playing time in which I've had no luck finding others (I asked because I know people are sometimes working on the collection; I believe that anyone with a good build can solo the chain).

tl;dr keep trying; you only need it to work once.

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I just completed it (again). (for what it's worth, IP was

What I did was used the Springer to hop into Frainn's chamber and parked there. I then swapped to my toon there whenever I wasn't otherwise engaged and just now, someone had soloed the event chain, so Frainn was up and waiting for me when I spawned. (Interestingly, the soloist wasn't there for a collection; just likes to solo event chains.)

As it turns out, this wasn't after reset and there wasn't anything special going on in the map, so I'm not sure what changed. When I first spawned into the map to park, the event was definitely stalled: the escorts were at the end of the first event in the chain waiting... and waiting. The event chain description (that appears in the upper right of the UI) was absent.

tl;dr remains: park a toon in the event chain area (ideally: at Frainn, if you have access to mounts) and keep swapping until you are at the right time (since you'll already be at the right place).

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  • 4 months later...

@"Rokujusan.9367" said:This event is still broken and needs to be fixed.

It stalls sometimes (more often than I find acceptable), but it is up enough that it can be done by anyone with just some additional patience, i.e. it's not "broken" in the sense that it can't be completed.

Park a toon, swap to it often. Try right after Tuesday's patch, at reset, after one of the side-story meta events, or guess to a 'full' server — eventually, it will be up.

If you want to help ANet reduce the chance of it stalling, provide as many details as you can about where it got stuck. Which part of the chain? For the first two, what are the allied NPCs doing (and where)? For the last part, is the event up and the boss hasn't spawned? Or does the event never come up after the previous event completes? What is the /ip of the map you're on? What time of day? (The last two are automatically added when you use the in-game /report tool, as well as other diagnostic details.)

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