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Condi Chronomance? Just some thoughts.

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Hello all together 👋

I like playing Chronomancer. These days it's a bit sad that its Alacrity was poorly weakened and completely removed from the Wells / Major Traits.
But apart from that I wondered if there's a viable Condi Chrono alternative. I play a kinda Condi Chrono Shatterer with Illusions/Chaos + Scepter/Shield ; Scepter/Sword and it's literally more powerful than Axe/Torch-Mirage for some reason (or me just a bad Mirage Player).

But I'm missing at least one Condition on a Well (like Specter has) – without Alacrity I don't really understand the roles of the different Wells (like the different Wells of Specter); maybe like Stun, Support, Defense, Power Damage or just Heal at the moment? So, a more Condition orientated Well e.g. with Confusion could fit, in my opinion.

Plus – without the Alacrity Support role the Chronomancer became a more offensive Spec (like most other Specs these days), so why not add a viable Condition (+ Heal) alternative also ?

Would be great to have in future, what do you think?
Let me know about your opinion 😌



Edit: One more thing I forgot to mention – The Shatter ability also grants alacrity still, so it's a Condition offensive + Alacrity Support Shatterer.
So what about the role of the Wells ?

Edited by VVhiteTheEntity.9273
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Chronomancer was really made with Alacrity in mind. If you wanted power, there were already power builds for core. If you wanted condi, there were already condi builds for core. When Chrono came out the whole idea was "We've made a new Boon. We call it Alacrity. it's going to poison the game in about 7 years but for now it's gonna be the best thing ever." and so not a lot of thought was really given to a power chrono or condi chrono.

That being said though, you can condi chrono. Scepter already stacks a large amount of torment and confusion; of course those keep getting nerfed too but such is life for mesmers. Unfortunately those are kinda our bread and butter but if you're running full vipers I imagine you can still make them work. Staff has access to poison with Chaos Storm but that's not a reliable source. There's also Bleeding through Sharper Images if you wanted to try for that too. So it's definitely possible.

The only problem I see is that there's not really anything in the Chrono spec itself that lends itself to condi builds because, again, Anet designed Chrono entirely around Alacrity, and then they gave Alacrity to everyone else and nerfed mesmers into the ground. So don't expect to be running a top-of-the-line condi build, don't expect to be soloing CM Fractals or Raids, and probably forget anything PvP or WvW. But for basically everything else PvE/OW, you'll do fine.

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Condi chronomancer benches over 40k actually ever since they gave staff phantasms torment. Unless I'm missing a recent nerf, condi chronomancer already exists. Never tried boon chrono with it, but shouldn't be much worse considering you get the 2x phantasm for free on staff. And even without that boon chrono was already overcapping its boons.


Edited by Passerbye.6291
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A condi Chrono build is very possible after the Staff Phantasm change not long ago (changing from Vulnerability to Torment), by combo'ing it with Chronophantasma. And with Continuum Split then that's 8 times the Torment stacks. Even as boon DPS support it's still quite good when combo'ing with Bountiful Disillusionment. 

The build is quite APM intensive however, possibly even more than the power variant, since you have to care about when to Shatter to maximize the Clone auto-condis, and managing Chaos Aura uptime is a pain.

11 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Condi chronomancer benches over 40k actually ever since they gave staff phantasms torment. Unless I'm missing a recent nerf, condi chronomancer already exists. Never tried boon chrono with it, but shouldn't be much worse considering you get the 2x phantasm for free on staff. And even without that boon chrono was already overcapping its boons.

Oh haha I'm using an almost exact build XD

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1 hour ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

A condi Chrono build is very possible after the Staff Phantasm change not long ago (changing from Vulnerability to Torment), by combo'ing it with Chronophantasma. And with Continuum Split then that's 8 times the Torment stacks. Even as boon DPS support it's still quite good when combo'ing with Bountiful Disillusionment. 

The build is quite APM intensive however, possibly even more than the power variant, since you have to care about when to Shatter to maximize the Clone auto-condis, and managing Chaos Aura uptime is a pain.

Oh haha I'm using an almost exact build XD

The bench isn't mine btw.

What you listed and the fact that its cleave is on the lower end are the reasons why I don't play it.

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