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Request to approve & review Nexus Addon Loader.

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Basically in short, I made an Addon Loader, which in itself does nothing but I want to keep it closed source for a variety of reasons.

Among the reasons being able to police and moderate which addons are being loaded into it.

I know on your Help Article about Third Party Programs you say that you do not review or endorse them. (https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013625034-Policy-Third-Party-Programs)

I am kindly asking anyway, if my loader could possibly reviewed by ArenaNet to ease the mind of some skeptical users.

I'm happy to invite any ArenaNet representative to the GitHub repository in a heartbeat and answer any questions about its implementation.

Here's the reddit thread: 


Edited by Delta.1074
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It's *highly* unlikely that this will happen; Anet has, as you yourself noted, made it very clear that they do not do this. If they were to make an exception for you, then they'd open up a floodgate of other programs wanting to be vetted as well, and they'd also have to invent some method of ascertaining that the version in use is the one they vetted, so that no nefarious code will be added at some later stage. It would be a nightmare for Anet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A QoL change that requires a user download your proprietary loader, whose code isn't open review? Feels like Curseforge or -- to use a FFXIV example -- GShade fork fiasco. And it does seem to likely affect RunTime processes, yes?


From the OP:

I know on your Help Article about Third Party Programs you say that you do not review or endorse them. (https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013625034-Policy-Third-Party-Programs)

I am kindly asking anyway, if my loader could possibly reviewed by ArenaNet to ease the mind of some skeptical users.


You want to have an exception made. To the TOS. For just you? Even if this doesn't appear to give any advantage to a player (though per Anet's own FAQ page, it DOES technically "allow the player" to "play faster") -- why would they ever "review and approve" yours? Then they'd have to consider others, and not to mention that entire block of the Terms of Service kinda goes out the window, right?

They should - likely will - continue to uphold that this is not something they do. The load isn't there just for stylistic purposes after all.

They do this and everyone with a Third Party tool build will be lining up for ANet. "I know you don't review/endorse these tools but you did it for that guy so how about me"...


Edited by Tangram.1805
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Posted (edited)

i don't think arenanet has the resources to do this anymore. i will just say that while its at each player's liability for running third-party software, its easier for a company to hold one person accountable rather than a thousand or more., so its a very good idea to ensure your program is safe!

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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