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How complex is to get a skin variant for gen 3 legendaries?

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   I've crafted plenty of gen 1 and gen 2 legenadry weapons, but never a gen 3. I'm thinking about crafting a new gen 2  or purchasing the gen 3 equivalent, but if I chose the later one I would have to get a skin variant (Jormag) because don't like the plain look of the Aurene version. So my question is: how much effort requires to get the Jormag skin? Would I have to farm specific quest or maps as with the legendary trinkets as Aurora or Vision or is just matter of paying gold/materials to do the stuff?  Any requirement linked to specific events or achievements which would involve playing with others or can be all done alone? Thanx for the answers.

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In addition to the material costs, each variant requires you to complete a sequence of events related to that dragon:

  1. a world boss
  2. farming events in a relevant map
  3. a second world boss
  4. a jumping puzzle
  5. the dragon itself (or Gates of Arah event for Zhaitan).

E.g. for Jormag, you have to kill the Claw of Jormag, then do events in Shiverpeaks maps, then kill Drakkar, then complete a jumping puzzle in Bjora Marches, then complete Dragon Storm.

You need quite a lot of events to complete the second step, and it can be a bit of grind.  If you're planning to make variants for more than one dragon, I find it best to save up enough materials to do all of them at the same time, as there is a slight short-cut - events in Dragon's End count for any of the dragons, so if you have multiple variants at the second step at the same time, you can farm events for all of them in one go.

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