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Player vs. Player Updates (Discussion)

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If balances stays as no skill needed noobcarry power creeped as it is since years, no additional content to pvp will have any good basis to revive pvp and grow into something. 

Competitive does not mean rolling your face over the keyboard, ez offensive spam and facetanking and the one who rolls a bit slower and more unlucky dies after 3000 player mistakes or after just one little mistake vs. too high dmg builds (i like the wannabe good players saying "but when we are all carried the same it is skillbased" nonsense), while gizmos are relationbased not skillbased in this small, real-competition-fearing-inbreed-community and top titles are mm-abused the least or wintraded. A game where competitive only means winning no matter how, winning by build or relationships over winning by skill. 

Also not a fan of adding more amulets with toughness, even as minor stat. 

Get competent balance devs first, then de-power creep the game and add tons of skill ceiling back to it, perma hardware and ip ban wintraders, hackers, accountsharing etc. (means lit. 99,9% of all tryhards of the last years in both regions), then add new content. This is a  better order to do something for this game. And then i maybe will get hyped.

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On 5/15/2024 at 1:30 PM, Rdm.3186 said:

If balances stays as no skill needed noobcarry power creeped as it is since years, no additional content to pvp will have any good basis to revive pvp and grow into something. 

Competitive does not mean rolling your face over the keyboard, ez offensive spam and facetanking and the one who rolls a bit slower and more unlucky dies after 3000 player mistakes or after just one little mistake vs. too high dmg builds (i like the wannabe good players saying "but when we are all carried the same it is skillbased" nonsense), while gizmos are relationbased not skillbased in this small, real-competition-fearing-inbreed-community and top titles are mm-abused the least or wintraded. A game where competitive only means winning no matter how, winning by build or relationships over winning by skill. 

Also not a fan of adding more amulets with toughness, even as minor stat. 

Get competent balance devs first, then de-power creep the game and add tons of skill ceiling back to it, perma hardware and ip ban wintraders, hackers, accountsharing etc. (means lit. 99,9% of all tryhards of the last years in both regions), then add new content. This is a  better order to do something for this game. And then i maybe will get hyped.

This is why they should do LAN events like they used to. At least then you can be assured the top 5-10 players are legit. 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/19/2024 at 8:15 AM, Ixl Super Eu Ixl.3259 said:

This is why they should do LAN events like they used to. At least then you can be assured the top 5-10 players are legit. 

Only when announcing those events will lead to a 10 or better 100 times bigger and way less casual (not true competition fearing) pvp playerbase, otherwise you have what we already have/had. Few teams with big advantage of staying together for very long already, manipulating, sabotaging and splitting upcoming and newer formed teams with potential (and not seldom some individually better players) by recruiting out players with a "go the easy winning team joining-way with us"- move, trashtalking old teammates etc. And players with friendship relations to anet devs which also help to manipulate themselfs. GW2 never had real competition, it always was a joke when it comes to esports, because of cheating devs and players, mostly pretty braindead metas and a never rly big, competitive and honorable mindset community which could theorycraft and play even near the skillcap of a game that actually requires a single braincell. 

Edited by Rdm.3186
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