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Looking for large NA guild active in Strikes/Fractals/Raids

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Player since launch with all expansions and maxed Masteries, I'm currently in 4 mostly small-medium, inactive social guilds where it's a miracle if 3 people are online at once. I've already done more than my fair share of slaving away to upgrade guild halls where I was one of the only people working on them, so not really looking to help build anything from the ground up here. I've always kept 1 guild slot open for part-time joining, if a friend needs help claiming a guild hall or with a mission or something I can jump in and dip as needed. With the upcoming 6th guild slot, I think I'd like to be in a big'un for a change.

I mostly play in the weird small hours after midnight, but when I wanna do group content that requires other people I can sometimes manage to be around during the daylight. If I'm trying to get a Strike group together and the LFG is slow, it'd be nice to have a guild with at least a handful of people online where I could ask if anyone wants to tag along, y'know? Mostly interested in Strikes at present, I used to Fractal hard but kinda fell out of it after I finished Ad Infinitum. Have a healing/quickness Firebrand with max AR I can bring if needed, but I'm not yet familiar with some of the newer fractals.

Have never set foot in a Raid, but I'd be willing to give it the old college try sometime. Especially since I'd kind of like the Luxurious Pile of Gold chair from doing all the Mythwright Gambit achievements.

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