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SoTo...final ending

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Posted (edited)

Did anyone notice that our character got "blipped" by the Wizards...

SoTo starts with Uncertain Times in 1336 AE with the Interview and called away... then we start Chapt 1 and Chapt 19 ends in 1337 AE.  We get the letter and start, Uncertain times with 1336AE as new year with the interview.

Or is it just an error in the story journal?

Edited by GarthDreamWalker.7806
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The time in the game is not exactly 1 on 1 with real life (the devs confirmed at a certain point), but it is very close to it, and that's why story journal has different dates. If you check from the beginning of the first story up to the SoTO story, you'll notice that it has been 12 years or so since the player started his first story step, which also fits the release date of the game (since it's been 12 years since the game launched and in story 12 years have passed as well).

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