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Patch Preview Feedback- Elite Spirit

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Posted (edited)

The Spirit of Nature Renewal changes are a step in the right direction. However, a 90s cooldown is not enough compared to Glyph of the Stars, which is only on a 48s cooldown.

SoNR should be buffed to around 60-75s CD (instead of the proposed 90s), GotS should be nerfed to around 60-75s CD, or both. Currently (on Druid) it's a no-brainer for you to take GotS and not Spirit, since you'll have a 120s CD on the spirit, and a 90s CD does not entice players who want to use spirit as a revive tool.

GotS does enough healing that it's a very safe skill to place- either you heal enough and nobody goes down, or the pressure is still too high, people go downstate, and then they get picked up by the skills pulsing revive. On the other hand, Elite Spirit does a once over condi conversion, 5 man revive, and then some regeneration, and maybe an extra 5 man revive if you have Nature's Vengance traited, which is very hard to justify with the healing and boons from Invigorating Bond or the damage reduction from Protective Ward.

Elite Spirit may also benefit slightly from a stack of stability, allowing Heal Untamed to actually "exist". As time has gone on, heal untamed has actually seen some decent improvements, starting with staff ambush twice over due to Let Loose and the introduction of mainhand mace allowing you to apply more key boons like Might, Fury, and Swiftness (since you can take warhorn with mainhand mace). The lack of stability is the only "key issue" the build faces, as most other healers provide both aegis (which HUnt has) and stability (which HUnt doesn't have).

Spirit of Nature Renewal is too heavily outcompeted by Glyph of the Stars and while the proposed changes are nice, a little more would be needed to make most players second guess only taking Glyph in that slot.

Edited by RainbowTurtle.3542
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Glyph still sucks too with all the instant rez skills in the game.  Have to wait for it to pulse rez and it can be outcleaved very easily.  

Glyph is a phenomenal skill- sure, the revive isn't instant, but it also has solid boon output (stability, regen when in CA, and when traited, protection), a lot of healing, and solid condition cleanse. It far from sucks, it just isn't trying to directly compete with instant revives.


Again, it's a very safe skill to use. Either you outheal with it active, or you revive someone as they go down with it active. So long as there's damage pressure, it's worthwhile to use the skill. Spirit of Nature doesn't have that.

Edited by RainbowTurtle.3542
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3 hours ago, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

Glyph is a phenomenal skill- sure, the revive isn't instant, but it also has solid boon output (stability, regen when in CA, and when traited, protection), a lot of healing, and solid condition cleanse. It far from sucks, it just isn't trying to directly compete with instant revives.

I'm talking competitive--it might be ok in PvE.  I've literally never been rezzed by it in competitive, and been CC'd out of it far more times than I've actually managed to rez someone.  

For me, it, or sprit, needs to compete with the instant revives.  

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Posted (edited)
On 5/24/2024 at 11:16 PM, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

SoNR should be buffed to around 60-75s CD (instead of the proposed 90s), GotS should be nerfed to around 60-75s CD, or both. Currently (on Druid) it's a no-brainer for you to take GotS and not Spirit, since you'll have a 120s CD on the spirit, and a 90s CD does not entice players who want to use spirit as a revive tool.

Yeah, let's nerf the Glyph even more more and ensure that druid drops down another tier as a support in competitive modes.


Edited by Lazze.9870
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