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"The Eleventh Hour" story instance crashes my PC

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Every time I run this instance, my PC crashes when you get to the "Use the Heart of the Obscure to release Kryptis essence from the reliquaries" step.   Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm assuming it's graphics related, but I turned all graphics settings down to "Low" or "None".   My PC is a bit older, but it's never had a problem with GW2 in all the years I've played.  Is there something specific in this instance that would cause this?

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That room is the only one in the game that use 100% of my gpu, a 1060; a friend with a 4070 says that he get 50% usage.

Dunno if it is bugged or what else, it happens only in that room; but I don't get any crash at least.

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Same issue on my end. Even when my gpu doesn't crash, the remainder of the instance becomes a slog after reaching the Reliquary of the Chosen. In my case the slowdown persists even after leaving that room and has been making it borderline impossible to comfortably fight the boss later in the instance. Seems like it might be something with the lighting and mass of braziers having a weird interaction, but I won't speculate too much. All I know is that I have had 3 or less fps after reaching that part of The Eleventh Hour story instance the past few times I've tried to run it.

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I was wondering what was going on when I got to a new room and suddenly my gpu fans sounded like a jet engine. Running a Radeon RX580 if it helps but if a lot of people are seeing the same I guess it's a game issue.

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I'm the OP and I wanted to update that I did get through the story instance.  I had cleared out my fan 🙂  My fps did drop but I made it through.   I think the key is to not look at the fires, both in the reliquaries room and the final throne room.

I did have the same problem in the meta as well.  I'm going to try that again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there,

was wondering if this has been addressed/acknowledged by Anet somewhere and if they are working on it (couldn't find it anywhere myself)? Because i had a similar issue today, both chambers mentioned above (throne room especially) ramped up my gpu to 100% and fans were running like their life depended on it, it shot up my GPU temp to 80+ degrees C and short of staring at the wall it didn't go down. Also put all ingame settings to lowest possible/turned them off, to see if it would help and it didn't. Running on 1070Ti, 16GB of ram and i7-8700k, and apart from this instance, haven't exhibited such a thing in this game yet (not counting expected frame drops on metas and other high player number content). Wanted to replay the story with a smoother experience so i was wondering if it's been mentioned anywhere that it's been worked on?

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