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Raids and Encounters

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"The story of these encounters will be accessible in two ways: through a classic 10-player raid instance (our eighth raid), or with large groups in open-world events. The Convergences system will also be extended to the region of Janthir, including Janthir-specific enemies."~Raids and Encounters

So when will previous raids receive access to the open world convergence system also? I know this has been requested for years, ever since the first raid was released. Seems as though there are a number of systems that could be used to finally provide ALL game modes the ability to play the content in the manor they most enjoy. A very unique and genre defining feature. It would do Guild Wars 2 well to maximize this ability, something not all games have.

Remaining hopeful👍

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Note that they are talking about the STORY of the encounters, not the encounters themselves. I read it as: they are making the next raid wing also have a convergence-like system to complement the normal raid portal (which will be in open-world and the aerodrome). Squads will be able to enter either portal but pugs can only use the OW convergence one, which will probably be on a timer.

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