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New PvP Mode Speculation Thread

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I don't know about the game mode, but it should be the 15v15 map they had finished in 2020 that's being used. It was the only thing on this list that wasn't implemented. No idea if they are going to keep the same format, but it would be nice.

They are also making improvements to the Djinn's Dominion secondary map objective and the associated special action skills, on July 16th.
There are three other low cost improvements they could add in the near future.
The long promised rework of Spirit Watch and its inclusion in the ranked rotation.
The end of duo queue, or separating it from solo queue.
Making Stronghold a 8v8 mode, creating two additional maps (that could be themed around EoD and SotO), and putting it on the mini-seasons rotation.

These would improve sPvP greatly, and wouldn't consume too many resources.

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