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Overcomplicated mechanics (Spear)


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Was hoping we would finally get a "simple" to use weapon on Ele but yet again no, I can even say that for me personally, when using skill 5, it can be even more "difficult" and grindy, than Weaver or Catalyst mechanics, at least there you press the skill and it does what is said in the description, no mini game just to use one skill. Air 3 never works, my normal AAs always do more damage than the one with skill 3 effect.


Skill 5

  • How can Full potential versions feel so weak! Fire 4 feels more impactful than skill 5 fully charged.
  • Earth skill 5 gives 1 second if Stability, really?!
  • Skill 5 many times doesn't activate and goes in a 3 sec cooldown...
  • Skill 5 feels bad, we are stuck in that area and can't move and die to a one hit attack, personally I really don't like/enjoy the skill 5 mechanics, feels like a gimmick and doesn't had anything to the weapon, only more complicated stuff which makes the skills even less impactful in general.
  •  Elementalist skills already feel pointless sometimes cause you spread the boons and effects/stuns in 20 skills which is bad, like Earth 2 is an AA with a cripple, skill 3 makes (again AA) your next AA apply a 1/4 daze (1/4? really?).


  • Water attunement does not heal me, fitting a mob in HoT and can't even heal 20% of the damage that I'm receiving.
  • Even using Ether Renewal heal skill a single mob in HoT manages to out damage me and I can't heal enough, even using Spear 1 and 5 plus heal skill.
  • Water AA feels pointless, you don't even notice the heal, aren't we supposed to be able to camp water for 15 seconds so we don't do damage, but we can heal ourself? Cause right now if I attune to water I can't heal and neither can do damage.
  • Water skill 2, what is this for? Again feels like a filler skill because you had to have a water skill 2, it lasts 1 second, I'm gonna be honest first 2 times I used it I didn't even noticed the animation and though it was not working.
  • Water 3 doesn't have an ammo mechanic? Only one dash with a 15 seconds CD?
  • Sometimes I don't really understand the way devs think about classes, many classes, specially with Spear weapon, can dash 3 or more times and even have blocks, (or make Fire 2 also an evade, the animation already gives the imprecion that it is an evade).
  • Again water 5 feels bad to use and is not impactful, can barely get 25% HP heal with the full charge that makes me stuck in place and easy to target.


All in all 

  • From all the things I would really appreciate to be changed, skills 5 would be the priority, we have to press them 3 times to use them, 3 TIMES (1 to put the field, one to target in which direction and one to fire it) is so frustrating, literally for 2.5 seconds we are stuck in this "mechanic" just to use a skill (that barely changes anything and is difficult to use), also it feels so infuriating to do all off this annoying process to use skill 5 and then if we don't use it in a 2 SECONDS window, it goes on CD!


Guys, really, this mechanic in skill 5 is infuriating! Resume, will be a bless if you made skill 5 just a normal skill, we press it, and it fires, easy, great, and simple.

Can you next expansion just make a weapon for Elementalist that only has 5 skills? How? Just make that when we change attunements we get boons, but the skills stay the same, and they can have a thematics, like AA is normal, 2 is a fire themed skill, 3 is water themed, 4 Air themed and 5 Earth themed, easy. Or skills 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same but Attunements change skill 5, so in Fire skill 5 will have a Fire theme, etc, etc Earth attunement skill 5 will have a Eath theme.


Tell me what you think about the varios points guys

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5 abilities? On a class without weapon swap?

I feel like elementalist spear mechanic isn’t that complicated realistically and delivers on the caster mage feel, I do definitely disagree with the notion of only 5 abilities however.

Yes elementalist has more buttons but I don’t realistically believe more buttons is increasing complexity. Nor do I think spear is a good example of complications in elementalists kit, I think it is one of the more simpler ones. 

5 ability weapons won’t work. It would be a balancing nightmare realistically, as the way elementalist is balanced. The weapons abilities would require such overbloating it’d either be absolutely terrible and unusable or absolutely broken. 

I think this is too much of an extreme to try and request a balance wise and I think enough options exist which have only 5 buttons that we don’t need to reduce more down to this. 


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7 hours ago, TYTan.5246 said:

Can you next expansion just make a weapon for Elementalist that only has 5 skills? How? Just make that when we change attunements we get boons, but the skills stay the same, and they can have a thematics, like AA is normal, 2 is a fire themed skill, 3 is water themed, 4 Air themed and 5 Earth themed, easy. Or skills 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same but Attunements change skill 5, so in Fire skill 5 will have a Fire theme, etc, etc Earth attunement skill 5 will have a Eath theme.

The irony is that Spear is already a 5-skill weapon. In every attunement:

Skill 1 is throwing AA

Skill 2 is a random ranged skill

Skill 3 is a self-buff skill

Skill 4 is a inner-hit-harder skill

Skill 5 is the Etching

That’s the general template, now you sprinkle them with elemental flavors. And I don’t like this design, Ele weapons used to be far more creative and expressive than “pew pew, but with elements”. 

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