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The elementalist would need a complete rework

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A conja wepon fix i think would have to be more on the lines of an "temp kit" effect where you make the conja wepon into an kit with or with out an duration but you must cast the conja wepon and you can only have one going at an given time. This will give ele an wepon swap like effect but only for one kit. If you want diffrent kit in combat or even outside of combat that you do not have cast allready then you will have to cast another conja wepon putting the old conja wepon on an full 1 min cd at least.

This will mostly fix melee wepon set being comply locked off from having an ranged chose and to an lesser point having an ranged set being locked off from having melee (though if you have ranged you have melee in gw2 sadly.)

Some of the conja weapons will need updated to fill there rolls better forst bow is allover the place for what it roll is and lava axe is well not that useful at all for what ever roll it needs to fill.

This will not fix def issues for the ele class where utility must be wast to give an ele the ability to live though attks that other classes can passively live though.

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On 7/17/2024 at 3:36 PM, crosknight.3041 said:

you already use the conjure skills for 1 or 2 skills in most cases, the way they are currently is just needlessly bloated. ele already has 20 weapon skills (more if weaver) and is the class requiring the most apm to be competitive with the other classes. why add even more onto that?

Because i's a game meant to be fun, and elementalist it's clearly designed for people who think more buttons are fun ?

Also you get to use only 1 or 2 skills because the conjure weapon skills are utter TRASH and haven't been upgraded in 7+ years.

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