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  1. A conja wepon fix i think would have to be more on the lines of an "temp kit" effect where you make the conja wepon into an kit with or with out an duration but you must cast the conja wepon and you can only have one going at an given time. This will give ele an wepon swap like effect but only for one kit. If you want diffrent kit in combat or even outside of combat that you do not have cast allready then you will have to cast another conja wepon putting the old conja wepon on an full 1 min cd at least. This will mostly fix melee wepon set being comply locked off from having an ranged chose and to an lesser point having an ranged set being locked off from having melee (though if you have ranged you have melee in gw2 sadly.) Some of the conja weapons will need updated to fill there rolls better forst bow is allover the place for what it roll is and lava axe is well not that useful at all for what ever roll it needs to fill. This will not fix def issues for the ele class where utility must be wast to give an ele the ability to live though attks that other classes can passively live though.
  2. Anet is too easy to multiple into nerfing things that don't need nerfing and often they hit other effects when they do well beyond pve. Even this person who posted here is bating anet to do something well beyond pve. These forms i think often is more about social engineering then real fix and balancing.
  3. Well i suggest stop making stealth eat animations of skills when they hit an stealth target. If an stealth player is in aoe and they are hit then it should show up that they are being hit.
  4. Then there an dmg cap to pve yet there no def cap or hp cap or even utility cap making thought effects better to aim for in pve. Its fine as pve kind of an joke for balancing in an game with things like spvp/ wvw but it comes off silly to have dmg caps in high dps environments like pve. You would be better off just adding more phases and dmg gates to stop ppl from cheezing pve as there no real way to balance dps due to power creep of gear food and even new effects wepon elite spec. Or you just run into add nothing new to change the game making pve super boring.
  5. HP / def needs to be standardize or at least a version of it though power or healing power needs to be very base off of class to counter balance it. In no way is the dmg scaling making up for how glassly ele is atm beyond some FOTM pve builds that will be fixed in an given time that only leads to tankly classes becoming FOTM pve build that for some reason dmg as much (or more) as the lowest hp/def class. Pve is a very bad place to balance classes any way at this point spvp and wvw are far more important for classes balancing. The classes being used in wvw/spvp as well as the builds there need to be the balancing of gw2 and pve balancing needs to be more of an after though. It will be the only way to balance ele and rework the classes right.
  6. Its nice that they are some what making combo more effective though relic i realty want to see what projectile / whirl will end up doing. Sadly leap realty not going to work out well for ele as ele has less leaps but the blast combo relic went realty far with the ele class and its fields. That why i got into ele the fields and combos and i would love to see more of it. I think that what ele ideal was when it started with the ranged of an class for its type was more on the lines 130-300 was melee ish and 600-1200 was ranged. For the "old" way of thinking for the classes but they are out dated for sure. Has anet every updated the ranged of skills in an real way with out comply reworking an skill?
  7. It is a bit odd that also fire main use is to crit too the game way too aimed for power dmg to be crits. Something that is just raw power dmg like fulgor is very much needed. Fulgor dose fit the air atument just in an different way then crit dmg. There a lot of space for air skills to have fulgor added to them as most of air atument skills do low to no dmg witch in it self is odd as air is an dmg line not an pure cc line.
  8. Focuses are ele shield though it would be fun to duel wield it for max def!
  9. It dose not seem to be effected by dmg reduction so not criting would fit for such an effect. Though that is why it was doing so much dmg vs doors and doing dmg vs walls in wvw hehe. I think that an missing effect for air being able to get around dmg -%.
  10. The updates seem fine i just wish they would already add in legendarily weapons to wvw and not just more skins. Or at least some easily to changed combo types out side of spawn points weapons maybe kind of like the trinkes item that reset the combo types but for weapons only.
  11. Dose the sword show up still even though the wp is not contested? That may take a bit of time for ppl to get use to i can see some one seeing sword on the keep thinking they cant wp in and walk there hehe.
  12. And see air always seemed to be a fast hitting power base dmg atument where its burst dmg was build into doing crits with in that fast hitting set of skills. Fulgor is an dps skill much like burning is dps fore fire atument. There is space for the fulgor effect on air but it needs to be more then just on spear to work right.
  13. I like to see this tested in EotM (also need to add mounts at least to eotm.) More line effects would go a long way too or even a type of social awkwardness cc skills in them self. You could even add in dmg version as well where the skill it self dose nothing to low dmg to the target but ppl near that target take high dmg (kind of like dragon tooth where it stays on some one but with out doing high dmg to that given target).
  14. Jski.6180


    Its an question of where to put the fulgo effects i like the ideal of lighting rod as it seems to fit but there also room on skill for air atument as there a lot of emptily air skills on weapons with no dmg on them at all. Gust, Wind storm, Blinding flash and Updraft would be a good set of emptily air skills on wepons that could use fulgo for 2-3 sec.
  15. Jski.6180


    It would be like registering hits vs stealth players when your already in-combat. Not seeing the numbers pop up on the screen but in the log but a lot more friendly for an player. It takes way too much skill for an game like this to have an soft counter to stealth and unless you want more perma "you cant stealth" witch has no real counter play but say i think 1 skill (Shadow Meld) your never going to have real balancing for the stealth effect. Unless you think only dead eye is an viable stealth class over core dardevil and specter (or any thing with stealth out side of the thf class too hehe). Stealth is not the only means of def thf and mez in a lot of ways its the weakest version of def these classes have. Over all its silly that "hit effects" don't show up on stealth players as they are hitting something and the attks them self are not from the thf/mez or even eng so why should they not be viable. Air overload dose not show up yet lighting orb dose. Do reflected shots show up from the stealth class? There just a lot of inconsistently for what stealth animations eating. So much so its more on the lines of being at random then anything else. Another example of soft counter stealth that works atm is Whirl combos the aggressive ones will start to fire off if there any target to hit. So if there an stealth player you will see the random shots start to become less random but this is only an suggestion and a LOT of ppl do not know this making it just not an real usable counter for most ppl who play the game.
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