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If you want PvP engagement, you're doing it wrong (imo)

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The Merge of Normal and Ranked makes the most sense. Just merge them and increase the reward tracks and the PIPs for accounts with Phone Verification because
seems like both Normal and Ranked are meaningless
Normal has no MM and its a coin toss. A friend tried GW2 PVP and on his first game on a free to play account without weapon master or elite specs he got matched against 4man premade Gold/Plat players that were all meta picks SB, Condi Reaper, DH and Axe Thief because the MM does not exist at all he played few games against them in a row.
Same feels for me I play solo PVP just for dailies and for me is the same I either go on a huge winstreaks or have long string of losses where it just feels like I'm 1vs3 premades non stop.

Ranked also is no longer meaningful its a competition who can spam the most Spellbreaker, DH, Condi Reaper, Druid,Tempest and Harbringer, wintrade or just duo que so you have some additional edge outside of you meta picks.
Add the lack of modern matchmaking features really boring stale iron cannon meta where a when I fight a Spellbreaker as a Daredevil I need to poke him with a stick for 30 secs while he can 3 shot me in around 2 seconds if I make the slighest misstep like hitting the FC. I'm just fighting into FC every 8 seconds, Staff 5's that also heals him, the ez staff mobility that gives him aegis and free boons if things start to get heated some cool 6-8 seconds of just ignore all DMG or all Critical Strikes. Just enough time for him to start playing Fall Guys on the broken terrain at EC where I cannot shadowset up the smallest bush but on battle of Kylo the mid point feels like I can blink from one end of the structure to the other no problem without a single No Valid Path

Its a shame that the balance dev team is so incompetent leaving the mode in such a poor state wasting the effort of the talent that came before them that made this great game with BIS Combat System. The balance preview streams are just the 3 Stooges all smiles talking about their convoluted theory crafting when the sPVP is just a ****** mess.

IDK maybe its just because I'm main Daredevil and fighting into the unkillable tank meta feels like a non stop uphill battle especially if my team does not know how to play with a thief. When I switch to SB or Willbender the game feels quite a bit better 😄but quite boring

Edited by Skary.8956
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8 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

PvP games are extremely popular?
Probably moreso than PvE ones overall tbh

The other ones just do actual community moderation. Instead of here, where the only thing we get is players tirelessly trying to come up with system-based solutions that are worse in every way than just actually punishing people for being terrible people.

Yessir, we're saying the same thing. The answer to "are they all kitten near dead too?"  is no. Because...well you just said why. So yep. Agree. 

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