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Fractal CM daily priority & weekly

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I do believe they should rework the system a little. My suggestion would be leave the rewards as-is. The new thing would be to institute cm dailies. With anet adding more each week, this could give someone 3 cms daily to do, and then they are not bothered with having to do all. I like fractals and cms to be honest, but the more they add daily, the more of a chore it will be to complete daily as well as post for groups. You will have ppl that want to do all cms, ppl that want to do cms/dailies, ppl that want to skip 99-100 cm, etc. adding more fractals into the mix adds time to ppl who want to do some cms daily. I think doing daily cms will give people more of a reason to group together to complete them, plus it will give variety to what you do every day other than the same ones over and over again. The reward boxes could be like the fractal daily boxes (you choose to do cm dailys or fractal dailies to complete the same daily achievement). Doing the cm daily will reward more key boxes than the normal daily. Another alternative to this is for anet to implement cms to existing fractals. Therefore, whatever are the 3 dailies, people can do those as cms and get cm rewards and dailies done in one fell swoop. Of course you will still have the choice to do additional daily cms for the regular cm loot in both cases.

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