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Is Anet ever going to fix the Off Hours EBG Spawn Camping?

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11 hours ago, Evenge.4067 said:

It's very obvious that Anet has been soft about allowing people to put in tickets and transferring them to stacked servers.

The bandwagoning is just as bad as before. 

as bad? its way worse as there is no actual cost to do so now...just a lack of any shame in contacting support to get moved.

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Disclosure: Longtime Mag player here - I often play outside of EBG, and late night NA usually only the tail hours of what people would consider prime and into the hours where Mag can be pretty dead especially against a server with real oceanic presence. That said, I've seen my share of spawn camps from both perspectives (camping and being camped). Though I don't have as much experience being camped, I DO have a lot of experience being the outnumbered team on a BL, trying to avoid getting run over on the map by a superior # force. 

I can say it is very rare for even Mag to camp all three exits well enough to stop a concerted effort to break out. The majority of players both who are spawn camping and being camped will go to the main road and skirmish. The problem is that those of you complaining about it aren't getting enough people with you to go out the sides, and those who do aren't 100% focused on getting OUT of the spawn area or don't know what to do when you're out but not in a group with a tag to follow Yes, you're going to have some roamers bored of the main road who will watch the sides but those folks can't chase 5, 10, or 15 people who mass up, push out one side and CLEAR OUT in all directions. The problem is, if you have anything close to even numbers at a side, you're getting baited into a fight near spawn and eventually you probably lose because it's not THAT far from the main road that people can't rotate over. Get some people together, swallow your pride and make your objective running past the blockade even if a few of you get popped. Go take an undefended camp. Reform on the other side of the map. 2-3 people can easily take a tower if defenders don't rotate off the spawn camp. 4-5 can do it fast enough that most defenders won't respond in time especially if they're all on the road in front of spawn. Once you start flipping things elsewhere (showing the campers that there are bags to chase elsewhere), people will start to split up. I've never been unable to break out of a spawn camp on any BL with some effort. I get that it's harder against Mag, but it's not impossible. 

Also, there are tactics that can be effective against larger forces if you're just overwhelmed on the map and don't want to move. The other night, Mag alliance's home BL was double-teamed and when I signed on, we owned basically nothing. Blue kept staying in the north with a zerg big enough that the random pugs defending couldn't get or keep a foothold. (And like 95% of the magswag players were in EBG, of course). So a handful of us stopped trying to fight them head on, slipped past them and took southern camps. We flipped the bloodlust, which often gets us some smaller fights that are more even numbers. Two of us pulled a bunch of them back to spawn by credibly hitting their spawn tower and threatening to take it after killing the onesie-twosies that wandered into the fray. . Then, when our pugs hit garri, the same two of us built a guild cata and hit the WK double cata wall. No plan or supply for inner, just contesting it, breaking two walls, and encouraging them to split up to defend both. It took just 2 of us to do a lot of that, even though we eventually had a few more in party doing other stuff. A few small havoc groups of 2-3 can put pressure on a map zerg to split or lose objectives. If you are willing to be a pain, force them to react to where you hit. If they respond in force or you can't handle the fight, try to bail and WP, and just go hit something else. People get tired of chasing you all across the map to find no bags and walls needing repairs. As an off-peak, off-EBG mag / mag alliance player, I probably spend more than a third of my playtime with the outnumbered buff and still manage to have fun most nights - find a friend and wreck some havoc.

Of course, if you really can't deal with the force on a map head-on, you CAN just leave and go to another map. I promise you mag or any post-mag alliance will never spawn-camp all exits on all maps. (though, hmm.... new achievement unlocked....) I've done it before when I found myself obviously outnumbered AND outclassed by enemy roamers. It's almost never the same on the next map.

TLDR: Spawn camping isn't going to stop and it wasn't what alliances was trying to fix. I get that this isn't the most balanced, fun situation to find yourself in.... Either relocate or redefine the terms of the engagement in a way that is fun for you. Assertions that it isn't possible are inaccurate. 

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54 minutes ago, Radjan Majere.4208 said:

Disclosure: Longtime Mag player here - I often play outside of EBG, and late night NA usually only the tail hours of what people would consider prime and into the hours where Mag can be pretty dead especially against a server with real oceanic presence. That said, I've seen my share of spawn camps from both perspectives (camping and being camped). Though I don't have as much experience being camped, I DO have a lot of experience being the outnumbered team on a BL, trying to avoid getting run over on the map by a superior # force. 

I can say it is very rare for even Mag to camp all three exits well enough to stop a concerted effort to break out. The majority of players both who are spawn camping and being camped will go to the main road and skirmish. The problem is that those of you complaining about it aren't getting enough people with you to go out the sides, and those who do aren't 100% focused on getting OUT of the spawn area or don't know what to do when you're out but not in a group with a tag to follow Yes, you're going to have some roamers bored of the main road who will watch the sides but those folks can't chase 5, 10, or 15 people who mass up, push out one side and CLEAR OUT in all directions. The problem is, if you have anything close to even numbers at a side, you're getting baited into a fight near spawn and eventually you probably lose because it's not THAT far from the main road that people can't rotate over. Get some people together, swallow your pride and make your objective running past the blockade even if a few of you get popped. Go take an undefended camp. Reform on the other side of the map. 2-3 people can easily take a tower if defenders don't rotate off the spawn camp. 4-5 can do it fast enough that most defenders won't respond in time especially if they're all on the road in front of spawn. Once you start flipping things elsewhere (showing the campers that there are bags to chase elsewhere), people will start to split up. I've never been unable to break out of a spawn camp on any BL with some effort. I get that it's harder against Mag, but it's not impossible. 

Also, there are tactics that can be effective against larger forces if you're just overwhelmed on the map and don't want to move. The other night, Mag alliance's home BL was double-teamed and when I signed on, we owned basically nothing. Blue kept staying in the north with a zerg big enough that the random pugs defending couldn't get or keep a foothold. (And like 95% of the magswag players were in EBG, of course). So a handful of us stopped trying to fight them head on, slipped past them and took southern camps. We flipped the bloodlust, which often gets us some smaller fights that are more even numbers. Two of us pulled a bunch of them back to spawn by credibly hitting their spawn tower and threatening to take it after killing the onesie-twosies that wandered into the fray. . Then, when our pugs hit garri, the same two of us built a guild cata and hit the WK double cata wall. No plan or supply for inner, just contesting it, breaking two walls, and encouraging them to split up to defend both. It took just 2 of us to do a lot of that, even though we eventually had a few more in party doing other stuff. A few small havoc groups of 2-3 can put pressure on a map zerg to split or lose objectives. If you are willing to be a pain, force them to react to where you hit. If they respond in force or you can't handle the fight, try to bail and WP, and just go hit something else. People get tired of chasing you all across the map to find no bags and walls needing repairs. As an off-peak, off-EBG mag / mag alliance player, I probably spend more than a third of my playtime with the outnumbered buff and still manage to have fun most nights - find a friend and wreck some havoc.

Of course, if you really can't deal with the force on a map head-on, you CAN just leave and go to another map. I promise you mag or any post-mag alliance will never spawn-camp all exits on all maps. (though, hmm.... new achievement unlocked....) I've done it before when I found myself obviously outnumbered AND outclassed by enemy roamers. It's almost never the same on the next map.

TLDR: Spawn camping isn't going to stop and it wasn't what alliances was trying to fix. I get that this isn't the most balanced, fun situation to find yourself in.... Either relocate or redefine the terms of the engagement in a way that is fun for you. Assertions that it isn't possible are inaccurate. 

Well put.

If all else fails, starve spawn campers of content. Group up else where, create breakout points and go deep. Just banging your head on a wall is not an answer. Choose where you are engaging versus engaging where they want you to OP. 

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