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cutting 10 man skills to 5! now going from 5 to 3..

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if they keep Reducing the target cap, they have to reduce the Groupsize to 10 for "balancing".   Its no fun at all as Roamer and Smallscaler to fight against larger groups if your target cap is just nothing.



Also Change that broken Projectile Domes to something like a boon with a cap of 3 players and not to cover a whole fking zerg with a 24/7 uptime 

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They decimated boonstrip. Which invented kittenous boonball. They won't give boonstrip back and admit they are wrong. So they're gradually reducing boons. Killing heal scourge. And homogenizing everything. And it's all to address boonball. The problem they created.

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6 hours ago, Netrizhul.3429 said:

I just find stupid that there is even target cap in aoe abilities, you gotta punish people who stick as single target. Lowering cap makes boonball even more prevalent.

This x100. Does this game even have aoe now? Haha. Imagine how players like me feel - I spent a year crafting a legendary shield for boonstrip chrono. Then C decimates my spec. Bam. I can't use my leggo. And there's been a lot of that. Whole meta builds gutted and unusable legendaries.

In some ways, it's easier to start a new game, like FF, than rebuild all the stuff the balance team took from us

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