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The 'space' keybind for both 'Jump / Swim / Fly Up' & 'Mount Ability 1', is bugged

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I've always had the 'space' keybind assigned to both the "Jump / Swim / Fly Up" action, as well as "Mount Ability 1".

While this is basically a double keybind / an action being used for 2 separate things, I had no problems with this BEFORE the Janthir Wilds expansion came out, however, as soon as it came out, I could no longer jump up and down on my mounts (which is annoying, especially when using warclaw in WvW to jump over the edges/lips of keeps & towers - I can only 'leap forward, instead), and I could no longer hold the spacebar down when on my skyscale, to fly up/ascend.

I found this out very quickly when I mounted up on my skyscale and proceeded to go off a ledge, and held down the spacebar, only to find myself plummeting to my death. I was left confused and puzzled because I didn't know why this happened. Everything was fine before the Janthir Wilds update, and having these 2 actions for the 'space' keybind was not a problem beforehand.

I believe the problem is with the coding of the Janthir Wilds update no longer being able to differentiate 2 different actions having the same keybind (like 'space'). However it was fine before this update, and I simply cannot imagine myself using anything other than the spacebar to 1) jump up and down on mounts, to 2) fly up/ascend on my skyscale, & 3) leap forward on my warclaw.

While I can assign "Jump / Swim / Fly Up" to 'space', for example, and assign "Mount Ability 1" to, say, "C", this makes it extremely inconvenient when using the warclaw in WvW, because I'm used to being able to both jump up and down, AND leap, using the 'space' as the keybind for both of these actions. Having to lower my fingers on the keyboard to press "C" for example, when leaping on my warclaw, is incredibly frustrating and a nuisance. Being able to assign 'space' for both the "Jump Up / Swim / Fly Up" & "Mount Ability 1" actions is vital for my gameplay and overall happiness/convenience. Again, this wasn't an issue BEFORE Janthir Wilds came out - it was only an issue AFTER it came out and the keybinds were messed up when multiple actions were used for the same keybind.

Please fix!!

Edited by Zaoda.1653
Edited for better clarity on the bug/issue, as well as edited title as it's not just the skyscale that has this issue
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2 hours ago, Algonda Friedenbaum.2930 said:

Well, it isn't just the skyscale. Griffon is doing the same.ย  Bad enough that all my wvw abilities were reset, but now this? Thanks a pantload.

Actually, after looking around a bit, I figured out it was MY goof.ย  I'd doubled up on the keybindings for "Mount Ability 1", so it was trying to do that instead of what I was really after.

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ย  Defiantly something not quite right since patch with the 3rd mount ability button, I can manually mouse click it, which is how I'm having to play the game now,

I have yesterday rebound every key to DEFAULT, { which is default C andย  Vย  for the mount ability skills,ย  3rd button still does not work, on Warclaw deleted "data" file in app data, repaired game files etc , done everything and still when on Warclaw AND ONLY WARCLAW mount action button is bugged, if I bind it to a key were it does finally work it messes up with the Skiff and fishing binds

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Posted (edited)
On 8/24/2024 at 7:50 PM, Algonda Friedenbaum.2930 said:

Actually, after looking around a bit, I figured out it was MY goof.ย  I'd doubled up on the keybindings for "Mount Ability 1", so it was trying to do that instead of what I was really after.

It's not your fault - I also have the space keybind assigned for "Mount Ability 1" as well as "Jump / Swim / Fly Up", and I thought this could have been the issue too, HOWEVER, I had the space keybind assigned for both Mount Ability 1, AND Jump / Swim / Fly Up BEFORE the Janthir Wilds expansion update, and it worked perfectly fine. I was able to jump up and down using my skyscale (and other mounts for this matter), and fly up on my skyscale, by holding the space bar down, etc.

As soon as the Janthir Wild update came out, however, I could no longer jump up and down on my skyscale (or other mounts - including the warclaw - which is very annoying when trying to jump off the edges of things - I can only 'leap forward' - I cannot 'jump up' using the spacebar), nor fly up on my skyscale by holding down the space bar. I found myself running off ledges on my skyscale and dropping to my death, all because the space bar keybind for it no longer worked.

It seems this bug can be avoided/fixed when assigning a new/different action for the double keybind for space, BUT I simply cannot get used to using another keybind for flying up on my skyscale or jumping up and down on my skyscale, other than the space bar (I prefer using space for all of these actions!) - it is the most convenient button to use for me for these 2 actions, and when I've been using the same keys for these things for years, it's near on impossible for me to get accustomed to having new keybinds for the same actions I've always used.

I haven't tried all the other mounts (though I know I can't jump up and down on my raptor or springer or warclaw, using the space bar) but like someone else mentioned it seemed to also be bugged for the griffon (and therefore no doubt other mounts too!)

PLEASE FIX THIS Anet! This is a major bug that is hindering gameplay massively. I've reported it twice and it's been many days unfixed ๐Ÿ˜ž

I can only assume something in the Janthir Wilds update/coding messed up anything relating to keybinds that are doubled up/being used for multiple actions - because I have the space bar keybind for "Jump / Swim / Fly Up" AS WELL AS "Mount Ability 1", and it worked fine before Janthir Wilds - so it is definitely something to do with this Janthir Wild expansion, that messed it up, because as soon as the expansion came out, it all "turned to custard" (as the saying goes).

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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  • Zaoda.1653 changed the title to The 'space' keybind for both 'Jump / Swim / Fly Up' & 'Mount Ability 1', is bugged

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