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Valravyn-Hawkeye Griffon relation?

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It's pretty confusing to me: their textures and model are exactly the same, but the story is acting as if Valravyns are a creature we've never seen before. Is it an oversight and they're actually supposed to use a different texture, or is there a piece of lore somewhere that explains or establishes a relation?

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13 hours ago, Ackapucho.1682 said:

My Headcanon is, like they call "Fleshstalkers" the Kryptis, the Kodan word for Griffon is Valravyns


At the beginning, though, it's the Ward who introduces them to us as Valravyns—not the Kodan.

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13 hours ago, Ackapucho.1682 said:

My Headcanon is, like they call "Fleshstalkers" the Kryptis, the Kodan word for Griffon is Valravyns

^ This.

I actually like different regions would have a different name for the same creatures.

In the early days of GW2 there were books that referenced a character (can't remember the name now for the life of me) two books in two different places used different spelling for the name, at the time it was reported as a bug and the devs "fixed it" which for me was mildly disappointing.

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I used to think they called griffons "valravns" too but then an event spawned a harpy and called it a valravn so now i've no idea...


Either the kodan don't know they're different creatures, or the quadrupedal animals turn into the bipedal monsters at some point in their life stage (maybe after eating a heart?) or it's like a weird eusocial/queen bee style deal?

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