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3 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

This change bothered me extremely. Not so much because now I have to rebuild my muscle memory, but because it perfectly highlights how WvW is never taken into consideration. It is another case where it is decided to make a change for PVE which impacts the WvW. How many mounts does the pve have available?8?
How many mounts in wvw?

Was it necessary? 


If it was a change to try and address mount jumps and using it to exploit terrain into structures, they should have called that out in the notes. Question is, is it working for that?

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7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

If it was a change to try and address mount jumps and using it to exploit terrain into structures, they should have called that out in the notes. Question is, is it working for that?

I mean....... it could be, no idea.
But let's also remember when that glider skin got buggy and what they did:
1) did they disable the skin in WvW?


2) did they disable the entire gliding system in WvW for 1-2 days?

and anyway there will always be someone who exploits and manages to enter in a way they shouldn't,so if preventing abuse is the excuse, it seems weak to me

Also,if ANET really want to prevent abuses should start with NERFing STEALTH LOL

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16 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

I mean....... it could be, no idea.
But let's also remember when that glider skin got buggy and what they did:
1) did they disable the skin in WvW?


2) did they disable the entire gliding system in WvW for 1-2 days?

and anyway there will always be someone who exploits and manages to enter in a way they shouldn't,so if preventing abuse is the excuse, it seems weak to me

Also,if ANET really want to prevent abuses should start with NERFing STEALTH LOL

The glider issue...lots of theories there. Since they didn't share insight, will have to agree they didn't want to impact sales in PvE so they bombed gliding in WvW after players figured out how to abuse and troll with it. 

We know one of the exploits was mount jumps and skills. The other big one is teleport style skills. Art assets would be a better fix there and Serial has provided a lot of good videos on how its being done to show a lot of the where's. I fear in the end it might be a nerf bat to teleport style skills.  

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