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Subtle details in the homestead.

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I was decorating a little today and I started to notice certain subtle things within the homestead instance. I thought I would share them, since I imagine most are working towards progression at the moment. If you have anything else that you see, please mention it! I love this kind of stuff.

  • The sawblade will hurt you with bleed damage if you touch it.
  • The watermill will roll you backwards if you stand upon it.
  • There is a passage into your mines behind the upper part of the waterfall.
  • The barn with the workbench is full of little mementos of the commander's journey.
    • Mini Joko statue
    • Kookoochoo the Incredulous poster
    • Metal Legion poster
    • Lion's Arch election posters
    • Southsun Cove poster
    • Guild banner
  • The wind is stronger than that of guild halls, making things such as flags and trees wave in the wind.
  • Sounds of objects adjust to the size of the objects. Large objects make more noise. Giant torches (the non-kodan ones) sound like raging infernos.
Edited by Quench.7091
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