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Inventory Making the Game Unplayable - Help!

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The only special bags I use are an oiled one for junk items and then an invisible one for stuff I don't want to lose. I keep those are the bottom of the list so they're always the last to fill.

I think it helps that I keep my inventory fairly empty, other than new items which I pick up of course. Most of my characters only have about 10-15 items at most which stay in their inventory. (It helps that I have several characters and tend to use them for different things so map/activity specific things are shared between them. For example only one has siege and one has treasure maps and JW renown tokens, one has Found Heirlooms from the Battle for LA which I've been meaning to get rid of.) Other than stuff like that it's just spare weapons and maybe 1 food, 1 utility item and 1 booster.

I think it also helps that I don't wait for my inventory to fill up before sorting it, so I don't have tons of stuff to go through at once. I do it whenever I finish something like a meta-event or Fractals even if there's not much in there.

I always open containers when I start sorting my inventory because it's very rarely worth keeping them unopened - if they give something I'm saving up I'll open them and keep that item (I can't remember any which don't stack), but otherwise they'd just be more clutter sitting around for no reason. Yes this does mean I have to click on each one, but doing it regularly means they don't pile up so it's manageble. Also if I have any crafting materials that can't go into storage because it's full I'll sell them - the fact that storage has filled up means I'm getting it much faster than I'm using it, and if I need more in future I'll be able to get it again the same way.

I only keep equipment a character can use, and then I have to know exactly which one and give it to them as soon as possible so I don't forget what it's for. I also keep stat selectable exotics because I don't have full ascended/legendary yet and periodically level new characters so that's useful. Anything else I have to give myself a specific reason, I don't hang onto equipment just in case I might one day find something to do with it.

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9 hours ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

as many bags as i can, green blue and yellow loot bags go in my shared slots along with the copper matic. i keep food utils in the first few slots of my bags and then the rest is just stuff that drops in the order it drops. 

whilst my bags are disorganised they are nothing compared to the pit i call my bank

I have never tried that,  ut wow, that makes sense with rarity bags in shared slots!

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16 hours ago, petespri.6548 said:

I've considered crafting but dont like focusing on getting the rarer stuff to make ascended and hate the timelock, and the multiple layers of crafting to get ascended components last I checked (I have made a few Ascended things but hate the management of crafting).  I go in waves with minor crafting at times... just thinking that more storage may indeed  lead to a better flow for item storage and cleaner bags overall across all my characters.  

Ohhhh, but you don't do crafting to make ascended items. That's like the worst way to get ascended items. (Especially now with the WV.) I mainly use crafting for exotics. There are skins you can only get through crafting and there's collections for these. Like bounty hunter armor (love the light version!) or astral weapons.

16 hours ago, petespri.6548 said:

1. Are there any bags that only have what you put in them and wont get any other stuff?  I hate my food/consumable/salvage kits and special items getting junk added in.  It seems that even invisible bags will fill up with overflow once everything else is full.

2. Is it worth having special bags for greens, blues, exotics, etc to help filtering?  If so, what is your set up for bags and what is your set up for bags?  How many bags do you role?

Thank all!

I don't think there's bags that don't collect anything. I'm pretty sure very bag collects anything once it's full. I solve this by making sure I always fill up my top bags.

I personally only have invisible bags or regular bags. I have some junk bags that I think I got from an achievement or something, but I prefer to play like this:

One or two invisible bags at the top with everything my character needs: leftover gear (only weapons for me since the armory, before I had entire armor sets in my inventory), food, maybe boosters, gizmos (like the brandstone multitool) and items needed for collections, some containers that I'll only gather on the specific character (like skirmish chests), and perhaps some map-related items (like EoD statuettes, or legion keys; I tend to assign my characters to specific areas of Tyria, usually depending on where I left them in the story). I make sure my invisible bags are filled up. I use random consumables for this, like candy canes. If my bag invisible bag is too small, I'll just continue with my regular bag, and just make sure I put unsalvageable things at the top of it, like gizmos or map-related items.

The rest is regular bags, so I can press 'compact'. I have every regular bagslot filled, mostly with 20- or 24-slot bags.

And then I play.

After I'm done playing or after I finish a meta, I spend some time dealing with my inventory. Put some loot bags in my bank to move to my bag opener. Identify & salvage unids. Deposit all, find a vendor to sell junk and play on.

When I've got a stack of mats I either refine, sell at the TP or see if I can exchange them for provisioner tokens.

But if you want to spend less time on inventory, just open your loot bags and sell all unids at the tp.

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