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  1. That's what I was thinking too. All RPGs will throw items at you that you can't use or sell (or can't sell for much anyway). Part of learning any RPG is learning which items are actually worth keeping and what to do with the ones that aren't, but I don't think I've ever come across one that will only ever give you useful items. If nothing else you'll get items which could be useful but not for you, like weapons you can't use and the wrong type of armour. In GW2 my process for any equipment piece goes: * Can I use it? * If not can I salvage it? * If not can I sell it? (Either on the TP or to a merchant.) * If not can I put it in the Mystic Forge? * If not delete it. Sometimes I'll check the Wiki just in case it has some special use, but for low level weapons and armour that's unlikely. BTW You could also tell your friend about the bank and storing the other 3 bags they can't equip (they can use them on another character or if/when they upgrade from a free account), selling junk to merchants and mention that they'll probably only need 1 of those blue crystals (I assume it's the Energy Crystal used to open Oola's Lab), that would free up some space too.
  2. It would probably help if you could give some details on what happened. At what point did the groups doing the metas get stuck? What happened when they did - were enemies not spawning? Not counting towards the objectives? Did a friendly NPC get stuck somewhere? Anything that would help them narrow it down and re-create what happened so they can work out how to fix it. I think ideally it's best to use the in-game bug report function in the map because that includes extra info (like the map IP and time stamp) that lets them look up logs of what was happening, but obviously that's not an option now.
  3. If this sort of thing happens to you a lot, especially if it's not just in GW2 where you find you keep clicking things you didn't mean to, it might be worth adjusting your mouse settings. You don't need an expensive mouse or specialist software to do it. Windows has built-in mouse settings (and I think Linux does too) which can change things like how far you scroll with one 'click' of the mouse wheel and how close together two clicks need to be to count as a double-click. With some mice you can also change the button sensitivity so it's harder to accidentally single-click things.
  4. As far as I know that only applies to buying Living World seasons.
  5. It's map based. They'd have to change maps to stop it (and on the same character, playing a different character doesn't remove DR from the one that's affected). I think what they could do is farm on one map until they get DR then go to a different one and farm there until they get DR, then swap back to the first one, and so on. But they either have to do that manually, which limits the time they can spend AFK, or they could try to set up a program to do it automatically after some amount of time and then they're botting and can be caught by the anti-botting software. It won't completely stop players seeing other people standing still in one area with minions/turrets killing enemies over and over, but I think it's important to remember it's only players who don't like that. As far as Anet are concerned if they're not using botting programs to automate playing and they're doing something at least once every 5 minutes and present to respond when Anet check on them then they're allowed to keep farming, and if they keep doing it after Diminishing Returns drops the loot to nothing that's entirely their problem.
  6. I've not been in this exact situation but based on things I have asked customer support about it's possible they'll do something like tell the OP to purchase the full pack, then reply to them to let them know it's been done, then they'll refund the gems for the stand-alone swimsuit. That way they don't need to make any changes to the wardrobe and the end result is the same as if the OP had bought the correct pack the first time around.
  7. This already exists, and has done since the game first came out. As far as I know the only map where it doesn't apply is Mad King's Labyrinth because they made a special decision to allow constant farming there. Anet deliberately don't share all the details on how it works, but you can read what is known about it here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns (Yes most of the page is about dungeon DR, but there's also sections on events and individual enemies.)
  8. But this was using GW2 Efficiency's definition of liquid gold, which includes not only the gold in your wallet but also anything on your account you could sell for gold. That's why it shows different amounts for 'buy' and 'sell' - one is if you used 'sell instantly' for all your tradable items, the other is if you listed it at the current lowest sale price. The value of your legendaries and other account bound items is irrelevant in this context, because you couldn't sell them even if you wanted to so you cannot put the gold they're worth towards buying a new item. You're right that it doesn't factor in multiple accounts, but that's because no one but the account owners know which accounts belong to the same person. (I'm not sure even Anet can tell, they can probably see the IP addresses each account logs in from, but two accounts at the same address could be one person playing both or it could be two different people who live together.)
  9. Revive Orbs take 10 seconds from the time you click on it to the time the character is alive again. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect players to wait 10 seconds to push 1 more button before going AFK. Also being kicked to character select during a jumping puzzle is unlikely to be a problem because you'll load back in exactly where you were.If you're planning to go away for a bit it's probably a good idea to log out first so you don't have to worry about what's happening to your character while you're away.
  10. Is this an indirect way of saying you don't like that high value items like infusions are random drops and you want a guarenteed way to work towards them? There's already ways to get legendaries without relying on random drops (or the TP, although gathering all the materials yourself would take a long time). The tricky part about giving the others a guarenteed way of getting them is that, based on what happened with precursors and some other items, a lot of people only want them because they're expensive and they're only expensive because they're rare. Once there's a guarenteed way to get them the price goes down and they become just another item, then the focus shiftts to whatever is currently the most expensive on the Trading Post. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean it's ultimately impossible to fix this problem because people will always want what they cannot have (or cannot easily have) so there will always be some 'problem' item that's too expensive or hard to get. (Personally I deal with it by ignoring them. Especially since I got a few of the easier to obtain infusions like the one which is in the Wizard's Vault and found I didn't actually use them that much because you have to plan the whole look around them.)
  11. There is a chance it won't have any noticable effect on AFK farmers because the people who admit to doing it always insist they're not completely AFK they're watching a video or doing other things on the computer so they're still able to monitor the game (which is all Anet require them to do) and if that's true it should be easy for them to press a button once every few minutes to avoid getting kicked. I won't be surprised however if we do see a reduction in AFK farming because people decide it's not worth the trouble and probably an increase in posts on various platforms about people being banned "for no reason" because they thought the obvious solution was to set up a macro to push a button for them every 4 minutes and then they got caught by the existing anti-botting functions.
  12. I just did my own tests based on a few situations people were worried about in this thread, here's how it worked: Test 1 - deliberately triggering the AFK timer 9:06 I moved just into range of an enemy so it attacked me, putting me into combat and prompting my ranger pet to attack it. That was my last input, from that point on the game was running in the background while I was browsing the forum and logging times in Windows sticky notes. 9:07 - My pet killed the enemy, a few seconds later I was out of combat. 9:09 - Enemy respawned - I entered combat when it attacked me. 9:10 - Pet killed the enemy again - I was out of combat again. 9:11 - I was kicked to character select. Test 2 - avoiding the timer 9:12 - I logged in again, quickly moved away from the enemy so I was never in combat, found a safe spot to stand in the same map and like before switched to the game running in the background with no input from me. (I was writing up this post.) 9:24 - I still haven't been kicked and it's been over 10 minutes. I don't know how long the inactivity timer is when you're not in combat and I'm not going to stand around to find out. Someone else can do that test if they want. Test 3 - avoiding the timer while in combat 9:25 - Exactly like Test 1 I got just into range of an enemy (the same one) so it attacked me and my pet attacked it. Then I switched to my internet browser so the game was running in the background. 9:26 - My pet killed the enemy, a few seconds later I was out of combat. 9:27 - I pressed W once, moving forward slightly. 9:28 - Enemy respawned and was killed within a minute. 9:29 - I pressed W once. 9:30 - Enemy respawned. 9:31 - Pet killed the enemy. 9:33 - Enemy respawned. 9:34 - I pressed W once (just over 4 minutes since last input), my pet killed the enemy. 9:36 - Enemy respawned. 9:37 - Pet killed the enemy. 9:38 - I pressed W once. 9:39 - Enemy respawned. 9:40 - Pet killed the enemy. 9:41 - Ended the test, without being kicked. The only difference between this and the first test is I pushed W once every few minutes, moving slightly forwards. That's all it takes to avoid being classed as inactive. It definitely works that way with snowballs. That's why when it's one of the Wintersday dailies some people will stand to one side of the snow patch (often the one by the jumping puzzle) holding a snowball, to give other players a quick way to complete it, because otherwise it can be annoying to find and catch people who have one equipped.
  13. Precursor drops are intentionally very rare, but also haven't been relevant since 2015, except that they're likely the reason it's often cheaper to buy a precursor from the TP than to craft it. No one needs to rely on a drop (their own or anyone else's) to get a precursor to make a legendary and their position as the 'get rich quick' lucky drop has been taken by infusions and a few other things. It wouldn't surprise me if the majority of players don't know these exist, and even some who do don't care about getting them because very few people use exotic accessories since ascended ones aren't hard to get, unless you're on a free account. So Anet won't have recieved any pressure from players to fix them either.
  14. I was going to respond to a bunch of posts but I realised I was saying the same thing each time so I'm just going to say it once: All you need to do to avoid being kicked is move or use a skill once every 5 minutes. That's it. Whatever else you're doing, or not doing, if you do that you won't be inactive and so won't be kicked out. If you're chatting or role-playing in game you can definitely do that, just have your character take 1 step in any direction whenever it's convenient. If you're genuinely away from the computer while waiting for an event make sure you come back every few minutes and push 1 button. Alternatively find somewhere to wait where you won't get attacked. That way you'll never be in combat and will get the full duration of the existing inactivity timer, however long that is. I wanted to test this but couldn't because it isn't working properly yet. But I assume the way it works is when you get into combat the game starts monitoring for any inputs from the player and if after 5 minutes there haven't been any you get kicked to character select. So if you drop out of combat it won't reset the timer, but if you move or use a skill it will.
  15. I don't know how it is on the NA servers but on EU I can't remember ever seeing KP requirements for Fractals or strikes and a few years ago when I tried getting into raiding I found a lot of groups (both PUG and training groups) which didn't ask.
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