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Weekly reset just hit and we can only craft ~35 decorations per material type per WEEK - this cap needs to be increased.

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Am I the only one that really just hates the timegate here and sees no purpose in it? After all that hype, I'm forced to wait weeks until I can build my homestead the way I'd like to. That is so frustrating and imho detrimental to the player experience that I'd like to see that timegate either removed or softened by quite a bit. ~35 decorations per material type (assuming you've maxed your capacity upgrades) is just way too low.
Additionally, I can already see that a limit of 1000 decorations per homestead is way too low as well.

What's your experience?

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I haven't been decorating much because of some bugs. 
But I'm also wondering about the 1000 decorations, specially since the not too much decorated base you get already has 361/1000 decorations.

Feels bit plain on such a huge homestead. 🙂

Can't wait to actually start decorating though!😁

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Am I the only one that really just hates the timegate here and sees no purpose in it? After all that hype, I'm forced to wait weeks until I can build my homestead the way I'd like to. That is so frustrating and imho detrimental to the player experience that I'd like to see that timegate either removed or softened by quite a bit. ~35 decorations per material type (assuming you've maxed your capacity upgrades) is just way too low.
Additionally, I can already see that a limit of 1000 decorations per homestead is way too low as well.

What's your experience?

Not much experience yet. Haven't reached that point yet.

But the most likely reason for time gate is linked to the economy. ( people would mass buy required mats from tp to quickly finish their Homestead Business; which racks up prices a lot)

So it limits the incentive to buy mats; since they think "oh, capped for this week". That's the idea i recon. Also consider that they are still working on many decorations to be released in the future. I could understand they wanna slow down people a little because of that too.

Players that come from Guildhalls( that have a Decoration limit above 1000); might find 1000 a petty limit. Maybe due to some Technicalities.(this component was made by a former Sims-designer; not sure if they build this thing from scratch or used the "Guildhall zone component" as a template. If this component has a max operating limit of 1000 objects per Homestead instance then i guess that's that)    

It might be still to early to see how a FULL homestead would look and if its indeed too low. To most players 1000 is a lot. Only level builders might think otherwise.


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24 minutes ago, Noidea Incognito.9607 said:

It might be still to early to see how a FULL homestead would look and if its indeed too low. To most players 1000 is a lot. Only level builders might think otherwise.

True 🙂 Just feels a bit low...  Probably even takes a while to even make the 1k decos 🤣 ( I don't mind the cap in buying matererials, makes it more "even" to players who can't keep up)

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