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Suggestion for future (Janthir Wilds?) mount-related masteries

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This is not an idea I personally had but I saw it on Reddit and I thought it was worth it to repeat it here in the forums. 

The primary idea is to give the Warclaw (and possibly a few other non-flying mounts) the ability to use bouncing mushrooms. The Griffon and the Skyscale were given the ability to use Updrafts so it would create some parity there. I'm not entirely sure how it would work out animation-wise but I don't really care because I just love the idea. 

But this leads one to wonder what other activities there are for which one has to dismount and where a new mastery might make it so that you do not have to dismount. Gathering for example. What if there was a mastery that allowed you to gather while mounted? 

What do you think? What other activities that can only be done unmounted would you want to be able to do mounted? Fishing for example? Or maybe you think that some activities should become possible while mounted without requiring entirely new masteries but just as a QoL update? Or maybe you think it is good for the game to require players to dismount from time to time?

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17 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You know, I'd pay money to see the mount spinning with the character, when using a mushroom. That would be the funniest and ridiculous thing in the entire game.

I doesn't have to be just Warclaw. I could see Raptor, Springer and Jackal getting the same benefit. 

Skimmer, Turtle and Roller Beetle might veer a bit too much into 'over the top' territory. 

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