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*THE* most important change that needs to be made to Janthir Wilds -- Pet the Dogs!

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I just started the Janthir Wilds campaign and started going around the map of Lowland Shore. Needless to say I am in love with the atmosphere, but I have found the most glaring issue in the game to this date:

In Lowland Shore, there are many, many dog NPCs spread about the area in houses and living spaces, and you can't PET THEM ALL, OR EVEN ANY OF THEM.


The fact that this game doesn't allow me to Pet every dog I come across (With the exception of service dogs), let alone that there isn't an Achievement that allows me to do so, is by far the most grievous mistake of this expansion so far, and has dropped the ball harshly! 

Anet, fix this immediately!

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Well there are a lot of cats in the game - and even a side quest (achievement) with a cat involved. So I think nobody really needs to care about stuff like some ugly dogs lol. I'd rather have an option to "harvest" the dogs to make them into some kind of food.

Dogs seem to have gotten some love with a pet whistle (Basenji) toy from the gem store + on the new map is a wolf pup (might count a bit as a kind of dog) to pet after the event (where achievements are related to it).

You all need to face the truth though: Cats are much cuter. More people prefer cats over dogs. At least for the main playebase of GW2. (Otherwise ArenaNet would not do so much stuff involving cats. And I like it. After long years they even gave one April Fool's events to dogs as well though.)

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Is it really necessary to put those against each other for no good reason? I get that was supposed to be a joke but honestly, I don't appreciate neither the execution nor the thought behind it. As if we don't have enough useless squabbles already...

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