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Homestead Box Collection didn't collect everything!

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Specifically - the mining box collection!
Is this meant to be? I assume it's a bug?
3 days in a row now~
1st  day - it didn't collect 1 node
2nd day - it didn't collect 2 nodes
3rd day (today) - it didn't collect 3 nodes

and YES I can mine them myself, it's just......
it's supposed to collect ALL mining nodes just as with the harvesting and lumbering yeah?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not having problems with other resources, just mining, will probably resort to just doing this stuff in home instance until this is resolved.. Actually doing this in bulk, would you notice unless a node is shown as uncollected. Hmmm, just go back to regular home instance, at least done one by one you know you have gathered everything.


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I get this as well, and Bassman, it does show the nodes as uncollected, right on the map. There is literally no reason to go back to regular home instance, just do the collection boxes and collect the 1-3 nodes it failed to finish up after it's done.


Everyone I know that's been having this issue so far has the extra large candy corn node. I have a feeling that's the main culprit as it has more than 3 hits on it so to speak.

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I've made a long list of bugs noticed by players, the gathering nodes are on it as well. It seems to be random which node is being skipped. Some people noticed that if they gather the three boxes too quickly after one another, with the mining one being the last one, it skips the nodes. Someone tried it out and discovered that if you wait several seconds before collecting the next box that it doesn't skip things. 

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seems like it depends on the order you open the storebox. If I gather the Mining Storebox first, it gets all of them, but if I gather the others first, then it misses a few nodes in the mine. i also noticed that the orrian box with the lumber area gets picked by the Farm Storebox, not the Logging Storebox. somethings really broken here 😞

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