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Reforging Laurel Rings and trinkets

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1 hour ago, petespri.6548 said:

Hey all, have a bunch or rings/trinkets/amulets that I bought with laurels.  Can they be reforged?  Would love some more celestial stats or maybe Marauder or trailblazer or Ritualist?  


They can not only bloodstone band and mistforge trinkets/backpack can be stat changed.

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The laurel dude has cele stats too and rings are cheap. Amulett too. Accessories are obscenely overpriced. You better get those from season vendors for season map currency.
Though if you have the seasons, then go and get the legendary amulet instead of wasting your time with ascended amulets.

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As @Linken.6345 notes, outside of Legendaries, only Blood Ruby and Mistforged can be "re-rolled", for a cost.

It's why I still end up visiting Bloodstone Fen.

In addition, if you Infuse / Attune your trinkets, you can have two of the same type, so that way, you can have, for example, two Blood Ruby rings, one infused/attuned and one not (or one infused and one attuned.)

They're a great, stop-gap alternative between regular Ascended gear and Legendary.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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16 hours ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

Note, this isn't a quick job but personally I think it's one of  the most fun collections

Ty both for this.  I loved the original skyscale and the griffon collections.  I had no idea about this Amulet.  I would much rather work through this than ascended craft!  

Any other legendary pieces like this?  Backpack perhaps?

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1 hour ago, petespri.6548 said:

Ty both for this.  I loved the original skyscale and the griffon collections.  I had no idea about this Amulet.  I would much rather work through this than ascended craft!  

Any other legendary pieces like this?  Backpack perhaps?

There are a few though I've not enjoyed the others as much as the season of the dragon one. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_trinket

If you're cleaver you can do a few at once, just work out which steps you can do at the same time. 

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2 hours ago, petespri.6548 said:

Ty both for this.  I loved the original skyscale and the griffon collections.  I had no idea about this Amulet.  I would much rather work through this than ascended craft!  

Any other legendary pieces like this?  Backpack perhaps?

There is a new backpack coming out which I believe will be obtained from open world. However currently your choices are through either wvw PvP or fractals. I dislike fractals and the wvw requires you to buy a commander tag. I usually do a couple of PvP matches a day so that's the one I'm working on. The only way I've had to adjust my play is ensure I do 3 a day and get wins on other classes, which I hate as I pretty much only play either of my eles

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4 hours ago, Atoclone.4810 said:

There is a new backpack coming out which I believe will be obtained from open world. However currently your choices are through either wvw PvP or fractals. I dislike fractals and the wvw requires you to buy a commander tag. I usually do a couple of PvP matches a day so that's the one I'm working on. The only way I've had to adjust my play is ensure I do 3 a day and get wins on other classes, which I hate as I pretty much only play either of my eles

Ty for the info!  Awesome!

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